
Monday 1 July 2019


I always like total solar eclipses and tomorrow the total solar eclipse is in Cancer the Crab. The crab tends to move sideways it's also brilliant for Zinc, I do like crab meat.

Robert Wilkinson shares with us that the eclipse is a fairly long one being 4 hours and 55 minutes, and the impact of it will last 4 years and eleven months.

Part 1

Part 2

The New Moon in 11 of Cancer.

In numerics the 2nd of July is the "Day of Unconscious" hence it will have an impact upon the unconscious mind fields that hold memories that move from life time to life time. In my own life experience I discovered that one of the root causes of "pre-cancerous cells" was memories carried forth from a past life experience during WW2. Hence I was born when I reincarnated in the 50s with a susceptibility to it and so were other members of our family.

The past life experience taught me once again, the power of forgiveness, for if one hasn't forgiven those that trespassed against us, in another lifetime, you have an experience that relates to a previous life time. Hence these sacred words are true, "The only person harmed by unforgiveness is the self". 

As a healer I appreciate that is difficult sometimes for people to truly forgive when real physical harm to your being has happened. Yet, it is imperative for people to realise the importance of it for their health. It also impacts upon the heart, and the heart can close due to it. We know scientifically that "anger" is the biggest predictor of heart disease, and remember children learn what they live with you.

If you are patient children learn patience, if you persevere, children learn to persevere. If you are loving kindness, children learn loving kindness. If you are forgiving, children learn to forgive. If you implement compassionate action, children learn to be compassionate towards others. If you speak and act with consideration for your children, the children learn to be considerate of the feelings of others.

I remember working with a mother and her child was having a "tantrum" over the hairstyle being given to her afro hair. I sat down with the mother and we did some inner child healing work together.

What the mother discovered was that when she was a child she also didn't like her hair tied into knots and that in fact it hurt her scalp. She discovered a memory in her sub-conscious that she had buried, what she was doing to her little girl, had been done to her by her mother and just like her daughter she didn't like it done to her either.

The engagement with the "inner child" healing work, enabled the mother to make a major breakthrough, it was incredibly powerful, and helped to improve the relationship between the mother and daughter. Something so easy to do, made a huge difference to both of them, finding the root cause of the "tantrum" for healing purposes also helped with the forgiveness process.


Children can give you a powerful message if you have the ears to hear, eyes to see and heart to understand, they are very intuitive when you allow them to be so. Remember the words of Jesus and how he spoke of becoming like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven.

A three year old threw their mother's mobile on the ground and damaged it, the mother was cross with the child. I asked the mother do you realise what the child is telling you? The child was expressing itself.

1. The mobile phone is unhealthy for you and I.
2. I'm more important than the mobile phone, throw it away.
3. Pay attention to me, talk to me, not the mobile phone.

When my son was growing up he didn't have to compete with a mobile phone for my attention, our time together was quality time, as I was aware how they grow up so fast, and I knew that you can't turn the clock back to bring back those treasured years together once the children are grown up.

So perhaps this solar eclipse parents can think about the quality of the time spent with their children and loved ones because the sign of cancer the crab is a very sensitive sign, children born with that sun sign are very sensitive and hurt easily in childhood, hurts that they protect in adulthood by creating a hard shell that can be difficult to breakthrough.

This eclipse can be seen over south America and south American farming is in the news today. Irish farmers now have a beef with the EU, as the EU intends to import 99,000 tons of beef from south America into the EU. The French farmers won't be happy about that either. The Beef deal was set-up between Mercosur and the EU.

I will paint for this total solar eclipse and see what comes.

Have a wonderful total solar eclipse on the 2nd of July and a great new moon of new beginnings and fresh starts, let it be from the heart filled with sunshine, light and love beyond measure. For the light of love in your heart shines in your eyes.

Tommy Robinson is back in court on the 4th of July, 2019 

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