
Tuesday 2 July 2019


I had two dreams this solar eclipse. In the first dream a couple of former close friends had taken my car and I kept on asking them to give it back. It was a small four wheel drive.

We were living close and they were also taking more of a neighbours property by moving the boundary and I told them that they can't move the boundary of the property, boundaries of properties are legally written into the deeds of the property.

Afterwards the wife looked at me sadly and said what happened was her "fault".

In the second dream a man was showing me films of me and other colleagues working in London ad agencies in my 20s, I recognised people in the films, and it was joyous to see the film clips. The man that had the film clips had short blonde hair and he was deaf.

In dream interpretation to dream of a deaf person signifies a happy solution to any problems that you might have. If you dream of someone else taking something from you, it is a dream of contrary and it signifies good luck is on its way. If you dream of friends it is most likely that you will receive some news soon.

Solar eclipse dreams, both dreams have a connection to the past and the 2nd of July is the "Day of Unconscious".

Last night prior to sleep state the LORD said, "AVIN".

In Kurdish the word AVIN means LOVE and is given to females as a name. In India it means AFFECTION. In Iran it means "Clear". In Celtic origins it means "River".

Author Jeff Benner says that in Hebrew it can mean "I'll understand".

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