
Sunday 7 July 2019

Silicone Valley -v- Great White Male

The left are trying to close down the English comedian Alistair Williams. In a recent video he says that they've been taking him off stage of the comedy circuit.

His Twitter feed says that his channel has been demonetised, and there is also a note on the feed from Youtube saying that they've received a complaint and they are looking into removing his channel.

Comedian, Alistair Williams, true patriot, defending our country, advocate of freedom of speech and BREXIT, critical of the LGBT agenda in schools, and the MSM narrative. This man on the launch pad of his career as a comedian and Silicone Valley are trying to silence him.

He's incredibly funny, he always makes me laugh, so if you like British humour, please give this Englishman your support.

I heard today that there is going to be another Freedom of Speech rally in July in London, hopefully, Alistair will be invited on stage for that.

He can also be found on SubscribeStar and Bitchute.

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