
Sunday 14 July 2019


I've always liked Gerard Batten he reminded me of my dad, who was also a ram, that rammed the truth home. Men that were the heart and soul of every party, in this case, Gerard and his supporters that are the heart and soul of UKIP. There is a lot more to Batten than meets the eye, just as there was a lot more to my dad than met the eye.

Whatever Gerard does in life he puts his heart and soul into it, full-on, a man that received no payment for being the leader of UKIP and suffered the imposition of the MSM that have always attacked UKIP and it's leadership, whomever stood for it.

A Go Fund Me for the legal challenge has been arranged and we only have to raise another £1,500 to reach the £10,000 goal. So if you support Gerard Batten that has supported our veterans in the UK, a man of principle, with a moral compass please give him your support.

I've watched the UKIP conference in Eastbourne this morning, and to be honest the best speech was from Carl Benjamin who Gerard embraced with his new and different approaches in the new media age of social media.

Due to my extensive professional marketing experience, I am aware that social media can only be one prong of reaching out to the people, and rallies are also another part of the marketing activity to defend our human rights of freedom of speech where some that don't use social media can be found.

Our people in the UK took to the streets to stand against political persecution too, we cannot stand by or be silent when the state is persecuting anyone. The government spent a £1M on taking young Tommy to court, while the Tories repeated the mantra, 'There's no money" to increase the size of the police force.

If I can't vote for Gerard than I will vote for the charismatic Richard Braine. However, I strongly support the legal challenge of the NEC. One thing is for sure that if you don't agree with what the NEC has done, stay a member of UKIP and don't select the same people for the NEC again. You have your vote use it, as my dad used to say.

The interim leader is an NEC member, another NEC member is standing in the leadership election, two men that clearly had an axe to grind, I didn't vote for either of them as I joined UKIP after the vote for the NEC took place.

Former MEP and deputy leader Mike Hookem stood against Gerard Batten on the MSM and in so doing all of Gerard's supporters. It was interesting to see Ben Walker and Mike Hookem's faces when Richard Braine announced that if he was elected as leader he would ask Gerard to be his deputy. Big smiles.

I didn't like the Chairman's analogy of the UKIP membership either, she could do with some training in the best analogies.

This is Carl Benjamin's speech at Eastbourne and he appeals to the youth and younger voters who are the lifeblood of any party because the youth are our future for our country and culture.

Although some of us that joined during Gerard Batten's leadership have been freedom of speech activists for decades. We appreciate where Carl Benjamin is coming from and what he had achieved prior to joining UKIP.

It is important to be known that some new members joined because Carl Benjamin, Paul Joseph Watson, Milo and the man known as Count Dankula joined UKIP all at the same time. Young, energetic men that like to share truth and their worldview's.

Carl comprehends the "culture war" that our country has been thrown into by the globalists and the EU. Due to his experience in the media arena, and in public speaking, he is also qualified to educate members of UKIP about it and certainly some education is definitely required.

I think Carl Benjamin and other new members (including myself) also joined UKIP because Gerard Batten was such an awesome leader of the party, truly fantastic stability and steadfastness that he brought to the party while Farage was trying to destroy it with the MSM.

Gerard was willing to look at new approaches, do things differently and embrace a new paradigm for marketing UKIP.  Seeing Gerard and other members of UKIP, including Lord Pearson in support of our people and their concerns was glorious to see happen on stage in Whitehall in London.

Compassionate action is essential in our country and Gerard took compassionate action when vital to do so. When the lives of people are in serious danger we have to take action speedily.

And on Katie Hopkins that has supported UKIP, and Gerard Batten, she had this to say to the UKIP membership.

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