
Tuesday 16 July 2019


Happy Lunar Eclipse, 16th of July, "Day of Rising Tide" and it is a partial eclipse. A great song for this eclipse. You know in your hearts that change is happening in your lives, you also know in your heart how important it is to balance career and personal lives and have relationships that are compatible with both. The reasons for your actions and motivations are important, and this eclipse is certainly an eclipse of action being taken seriously.

Sometimes people think an opportunity will come around again, it often doesn't in your life of love. People grow, people move on, what was once important ceases to be so, as other priorities come to the fore due to the huge planetary shift that humanity is experiencing. Spiritual people used to call it the quickening. It can be tough in relationships if your partner or friend doesn't keep up with the pure speed of the energetic changes that are taking place. It can be difficult for the politicians too when the people are moving much faster than they are - in the evolution of their lives.

It is rare to find someone that you are really compatible with, someone that resonates with your soul, and its Spirit. Someone that is intuitive about you and your life without you even mentioning what is going on in your life.

July being the 7th month is an opportunity for people to express their spiritual learning and teaching, 7 is the life number of the spiritual teacher. Hence, I conclude that it will be a powerful eclipse for spiritual people as we prepare for our lives in 2020 and what is ahead for us all.

The old political paradigm is collapsing, Pam says, due to Pluto in Capricorn, the UKIP NEC is a great analogy for that. One of the NEC Paul Oakley has resigned and called freedom of speech nothing but a squirrel.

My response was that the red squirrel has returned to the forests in the UK, nature has a wonderful way of renewing itself, the wonders of creation.  Freedom of speech is essential to democracy, and is at the foundation of our western cultures. As Jesus said, "The truth shall set you free".

Belief systems in politics are being challenged, Gerard Batten is even challenging the NEC legally, so which party do you resonate with? If you are a patriot in the UK, take a good look at UKIP. Last night I was listening to a veteran speak at the UKIP conference, a true Londoner that still lives in social housing in Hackney, he would be great to be on the NEC.

Pam shares that Chiron is going backwards at this time, as far as I am concerned that does relate to going back to giving healing again to those that require it. Although once a healer, always a healer.

A colleague asked me recently "Are you going to get your massage couch out again? Then yesterday, an elder shared that he had taken my advice on board to visit a reflexologist that also gives Reiki healing at the same time. She is lovely, a former nurse, midwife and health visitor. Such an inspiration as she is still giving healing treatments in her 80s. In Reiki when we give a treatment the practitioner also receives a treatment. I'm sure that has kept her going.

Being a lunar eclipse it is emotive, and it can be dramatic with it being on the "Day of Rising Tide", the ocean of emotion is high while people are arising in support of Tommy Robinson and his freedom from political persecution. The intensive and dramatic full moon.

In this video Pam Gregory shares her view of the lunar eclipse.

The full moon is in my ascendent sign, Sagittarius, the traveller.  The 17th of July, is the "Day of Career", and in this video Barbara shares about the creative aspects and dreaming big. My new tee-shirt says "Dreams come true".  1+7 = 8 and that links into spiritual transformation.

On the 18th I have a wooden chest arriving to house my art materials and an old pine dresser to house all the different foods that I have in my kitchen for nutrients. I also have replacement wooden garden furniture arriving and a new steamer for my new cooker. So for yours truly, this lunar eclipse this week is about getting organised.

At the same time as harvesting fruit and veg from my garden. The health cook has emerged and is ready to go with my herb garden, the emerging artist, how artistic are you with food and the design of your gardens? Have you embraced permaculture? What do you love doing and what is your dream for the next phase of your life?

A creative time, how focussed are you on your skills and talents, I've been talking about marketing again in recent days, and the necessity for educational campaigns. Travelling can also be educational, educational for the self, and to educate others with reality checks.

It doesn't have to be just for a holiday, or sunbathing, that is the leisure and health side of travelling for yours truly. Whatever you do put your heart and soul into it, full on and be very determined.

Determination, and perseverance is essential for being a success in what you choose whether that is in friendships, relationships, or work and career. Although as written previously balance in work life and home life is essential and you have to be organised to balance both sides of life. People from different cultures have different views on what makes a life successful, some view it in financial terms, some view it in the power of your love.

My view of life is that if you love who you are with, and you love what you do, then the money follows the power of love. For every single person loves to be loved. So have you liberated your love as sometimes it requires a liberator of love to help you to do so.

Barbara Goldsmith lives in Greece and this is her view of this eclipse.

For more information about the eclipse that is over Europe take a look at this link.

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