
Friday 7 June 2019


Two blackbirds came to visit my garden today, and two sparrows, it is rare for me to see sparrows in my garden and if and when I see a sparrow it reminds me of a dear friend that passed over because he had that surname.

The keynote of Sparrow is "Awakening and Triumph of Common Nobility" and the cycle of power is one year. As author Ted Andrews wrote the sparrow is a perky, assertive bird that can hold it's own against others.

Sparrow became a symbol of triumph after long suffering and Paul would definitely have liked my garden. It was a symbol of household divinities in Britain and during the Middle Ages. In Europe the Sparrow was a symbol of the peasants and working class.

The Sparrow knows how to survive and keep its dignity, it is a symbol of triumph over your enemies and how to triumph over outer circumstances. How the nobility of the working class is inherently strong. The two little sparrows, a couple of sparrows, awaken the heart of remembrance and to remember to always speak your truth as the bird spoke it to me.

One of the very best books on animal symbology is Ted Andrews book, Animal Speaks.

Ted wrote that it is the assertion of will to bring out the inherent dignity so it can come forth into your life, the teaching of the Sparrow. Human dignity is so important and one of the things that I like about the UKIP members is how dignified they are - even when a different party wins they are so gracious.

The Sparrow that was at the wedding, also reminds yours truly that he was able to communicate with yours truly after he passed over and exactly what he said about the situation that I found myself in at that time.

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