
Saturday 8 June 2019

Jesus Spoke "Acrimonious"

Divine counsel has been received and Jesus spoke of other peoples responses towards yours truly as  'Acrimonious" that was prior to a thread on GcMAF being posted on an American owned forum. He watches everything that people do and write.

The thread began with a video of an American doctor talking about GcMAF and that it had been banned in America by the FDA. The thread also included a video on a court case in the UK, where France was trying to extradite a couple of English practitioners that were working with GcMAF.

To give an even bigger picture I posted an hour long presentation on the subject matter from another American doctor and picked up on the main points of the presentation and responded to them with my wealth of life experience to help anyone that was interested in the subject matter because the substance has been known to help patients with "cancer".

I also gave a link to where it could be purchased, although the American doctor said that people can make it. The American doctor in the video above said that they had been sending blood to Holland for testing for "Nagalese Levels".

It took a long time to collate the information provided, careful consideration, and tender loving care and then an American moderator deleted it instantly with no respect for the time and energy that had gone into making it to help others. It is not unusual for an American to do that when they're being "Acrimonious".

If we look at the purge on other American platforms, like youtube for instance, with activists having their youtube presentations deleted after hours of content has been created. That's just another example of it. No thought given to the lives of those people and their time investment.

So we might ponder upon does it also happen in the UK? I'd say yes but not usually when I'm involved. A Labour front "HopenotHate", have been "acrimonious" towards Tommy Robinson and so have many British politicians. As we know "acrimony" is involved in "persecution", of an individual, and that has also been happening to Julian Assange.

Some journalists have also written that the campaign for the referendum by the politicians in the UK was "acrimonious" and election campaigns for a new Tory leader are often so. That's another reason why a lot of English people don't like politics, especially American politics.

When people are being "Acrimonious", they have a total "disregard" of how much damage that they cause to themselves and others. I think that was one of the important reasons why Jesus defended the poorest so much. People that are "acrimonious" have the intention of destroying others rather than healing others with their words, deeds and actions.

Acrimony is the complete opposite to healing, acrimony leads to war, healing leads to peacefulness and a healthy way of life.

You usually find that those that are "acrimonious", are like thorns and Nigel Farage started a company called "Thorn in the side".

A clear sign of it is when a person is the "accuser" of another or they make allegations on purpose to try to diminish a person and their effective work after it has been proven to be a success.

Some people have suffered what is known as an "acrimonious divorce", I must admit I'm very pleased that I didn't have to go through that. Rational people are not 'acrimonious".

So what can you do when Jesus tells you that people are being "acrimonious" towards you?

You can leave their location and energy fields, stay in your peaceful and loving heart, put your own health first and those that you love. People that love you don't like to witness people being "acrimonious" to those that they love. Remember that Jesus walks with his healers and is always by our side, guiding us every step of the way.

The light of integrity is essential for life and living it and I will always speak the truth as ordained to do. I always honour what Jesus says and appreciate his divine guidance that has helped so many during my life on the planet.

When it is a matter of life or death then you have to choose life, there is no choice in the matter. It is important to do what brings you joyful life, and as Jesus said, "Children are the supreme joy of human life".

So what I do is go into nature as Jesus did and when there is children around I speak to the children and respond to their questions. Children are so curious and joyful. Yesterday, I saw a beautiful rainbow over our homes and I asked the children if they'd seen the rainbow.  The rainbow of hope in biblical symbology the covenant with God.

The other thing that I do when people are being "acrimonious" is paint, I really enjoy spreading the paint, I really enjoy working with colour healing too. Listening to joyous music is also great.

Power of Love 

Just after I wrote that blogpost, prior to pushing the publish button, I received a phone call from a wonderful healer that was once a client of mine in the 90s. Absolutely, wonderful to speak with her again. She says that she is retiring this year at age 71 and is going to write her autobiography. That phone call was definitely divine providence. 

The beauty of life and its memories are far greater than the other memories, so make sure you keep the beautiful memories and move on from anyone or anything that tries to be a harmful influence on the beauty of our saintly healers and the heartfelt work that is a co-creator of miracles. 

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