
Tuesday 4 June 2019

Jesus said "Chagrin"

I'd just written to an American and Jesus said, "Chagrin". The word can be found in the French translation of Psalm 6:7.

"J'ai le visage use par le chagrin; tous ceux qui me persecutent le font vieilllir"

That phrase translates into English as "My face is weary with grief; All those who persecute me make it grow old.

That is why Julian Assange has aged so much, so quickly, due to the persecution and torture of him. Remember also that he was bereaved of his business partner whilst he was trying to do his best. The government wouldn't even allow him to attend his friend's funeral and pay his respects.

I wrote to Julian Assange yesterday, a man imprisoned in a high security prison of Belmarsh is now on the medical wing. They've refused him access to computers or the ability to put his case together to defend himself with his lawyers. A reporter from the UN had already made an arrangement to meet Julian at the embassy prior to being forcefully moved to prison.

They haven't given him any paper to write on or money to buy postage stamps and he is only allowed a ten minute phone call with his lawyers. It is "political persecution" of a man that has done his utmost to help humanity to gain its freedom.

When they persecute a man of truth, they persecute all truth. For what love is there in anyone that persecutes another? While Donald John Trump rides the crest of the wave that others created for him, some American men were even willing to die for freedom. And what of President Trump, do you remember on his election rallies when he said that he loved Wikileaks?

Although it doesn't have to be that way, people can live and speak the truth, I wish my dad had lived to continue his life, without being persecuted and people desiring his death. Another reason why the Julian Assange case is so close to my heart.

While Americans pray for President Trump, Julian Assange is suffering in prison. I looked at Julian's medical report on-line some years ago and his doctor had written about how his mental state was suffering from "Health Insecurity", because he could not access the medical help that he required for his physical body.

I can tell you this that I have written to an MP and told her that the Tories will never be forgiven by the working class that support Julian Assange, nor will we ever agree to the political persecution of Tommy Robinson either.


Political persecution must stop now, man's life depends upon it. Where is the humanity of those that don't stand against "political persecution" of anyone? Where is their compassionate action and mercy? For the LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy and that includes loving kindness. There is no greater loving kindness than that which his son bestowed.


As far as I remember the medical report that was published on the Wikileaks website also mentioned that he required oral surgery and an MRI scan. How can anyone turn their back on a person that is ill, when they are crying out for help?

Angel of Loving Kindness 

I could never ignore his pleas for help to save him and Jesus would ever turn his back on him or the truth he shared either. For remember what scripture says about the importance of helping those in prison. So you might ask why didn't Donald John Trump make sure that he visited Julian Assange to see for himself and to hear for himself what he would like to know?

My sensitivity has not changed, I still feel as strongly about this situation as I ever did. In fact, I feel even stronger now about it. At least Gerard Batten, the leader of UKIP had the decency and moral compass to say that Julian should not be extradited on a European Arrest Warrant and that no-one should be. Do you realise that anyone could be extradited on an EAW without any legal evidence being provided? Where is the justice and fairness in that?

America is in breach of international law and Donald John Trump has no authority over international law.  Interesting that I had a dream on the 3rd of June of an Australian born lawyer, and in the dream there was a musician singing a song about Jesus. The power of the spiritual law of vibration.

Do you have the heart of Jesus? He tells me that I do.


The LORD has heard the voice of my weeping, the LORD has heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer for Julian Assange. He accepts the prayers of his saints who have received the prayers of the people for him. Julian Assange always in my heart.

The letter that Julian Assange sent to one of our activists defending him.

The Duran reports that Australian politicians are now defending the freedom of speech of Julian Assange.

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