
Saturday 22 June 2019

English Black Peppermint Herb

This year I bought some black pepper mint for the garden, I do like perennials. It's great for cuttings and roots really quickly, it's brilliant for sharing with friends and neighbours.

It has such an interesting fragrance with the fragrance of black pepper and mint together. I haven't cooked with it yet, although it would be great to spice up a herb salad or to put in a sauce.

This peppery tasting mint was discovered by a British botanist, John Ray in 1696. [1][2]

In Hampshire the Casson family grow the English Black Mitcham plant for its oil, it is put in mint chocolate. Although it can also be utilised as a healing oil too.

Norfolk Herbs also do a black peppermint, although I bought mine at our local garden centre earlier in the year, and I couldn't be more pleased with it. It really is a sturdy little perennial herb and pretty to look at. 

Campaign For Real Farming - Herb of the month. [1]

National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Health 

Share with us that very little research has been done on this herb.

In America, the oil is quite expensive at $17 for 15ml bottle.

The Natural Pharmacy book cites that the peppery tasting mint is a great herb for muscle tension and spasms. Medicinally it is given to calm the digestive system. [2] Other sources also recommend it for the sinus and a range of other health conditions.

1. Campaign for Real Farming website.
2. The Natural Pharmacy authors Miriam Polunin & Christopher Robbins.

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