
Friday 7 June 2019


I had a dream this morning and I was in receipt of some paperwork and on the official paperwork my maiden name was written. The paperwork appeared to have been sent by a local council official, it looked like an official document.

Although when I lived with my maiden name I was living in central London at that time prior to marriage when my surname changed. That also links into a different dream that I had recently of the crystal egg because H.G. Wells wrote about the location where I used to live in my youth with my parents.

There was also the recent dream of Helen Dale, the Australian born national that is a lawyer in England and the Jesus song being heard. That dream was also located in London, at Belsize Park.

In the dream I think I was cross about the name written on the paperwork, I'm trying to remember the rest of the dream and if it is brought back to my conscious attention I will update this blog post.

In dream interpretation to dream of paperwork if it is clean, or new paper in a dream it is a symbol of efforts and its meaning must be interpreted according to its colour. The colour of the paperwork was white with typing on it. If you dream of parchment with writing on it that can indicate that you will be released from past concerns, and can indicate a successful outcome in legal matters if you have any.

If you read the writing that someone else had written it means that you must allow yourself to be your best friend and not allow others to influence your judgement; don't be tempted to act contrary to your principles. Hence the principles are very important at this time.

Names are important in dreams and in this case, if a different legal name is written it can mean that there have been difficulties in your personal life, but they will ultimately lead to a better understanding.

There were people in the dream that's how I could identify that it was some kind of legal document as there was a discussion about it.

7th of June is the "Day of Entertainer". My dad did like to entertain, dad was has solid as a rock for the family that rolled with life and what life brought to him. He was very much into living as healthy, as possible and made sure that he had plenty of holidays in the sunshine, he knew how important the sunshine was for his body, he also loved to sing and loved his food. He was the life and soul of every party, and his smile and personality could light up a room.

What's in the news today? The Labour party won the Peterborough by-election, Farage and his campaign was beaten. I think what has been going on in London politics has certainly had an impact on Peterborough and it looks to me like a tactical vote showing the Tories that they can't win. One of the Conservative MPs did tell the Tories that they would be destroyed.

I'd never vote for anyone associated with Nigel Farage on principle. I joined UKIP after Nigel left it, I joined UKIP on principle. The Peterborough MP seat is a temporary seat anyway, it won't be long until there is a national election, I think it will be within a year.


So I had a dream yesterday about paperwork and three different lots of paperwork arrived in the post this Saturday morning.

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