
Saturday 29 June 2019

Dream of Airport and Army

During the night I had a very vivid dream, it was so vivid that it woke me up from sleep. I was in a airport with other women sitting at a desk having a drink and a discussion. We were about to book a flight to Tel Aviv. My friend/colleague could not make up her mind and kept on changing her mind about going, so I decided to book my flight and go to Israel.

Then suddenly, there was a crowd of Turkish men coming towards us in the airport arrivals, and the military arrived speedily and took them down to floor. I knew that they were British military due to the way that they were dressed. We were also at a British airport in England.

As the military were taking down the Turkish men, another crowd of Muslim men came to greet them, they were dressed in Islamic attire. Then the Muslim men that came to greet them were singing a song towards us women, it sounded like a song from their native land, although they were singing in English in a 'threatening' way and it sounded like a 'terrorist' song.

I think that the dream indicates that the next time I go to Israel, I will be travelling alone. That the British military are on in with the 'terrorism' in the UK. There is a threat to my country from Islamic Turks, and they're in communication with Muslims in the UK that don't feel threatened by our military or our people. They were goading the women and trying to provoke us with their singing against us.

This dream comes at a time when the EU has the intention to include Turkey into the EU and once a person has an EU passport they've been allowed to travel freely around Europe. As far as I am aware, outside of Turkey, they have the most orthodox Turks living in Germany. Hence, they travel as Turkish-Germans, although it wasn't clear what country that they had flown in from in the dream.

The dream tells me that we will have to have armed military at our airports in the UK and in the dream there was about half a dozen men.

In dream interpretation to dream of the army indicates that there are obstacles to be overcome. To dream of a battle can indicate that you are apt to get involved in serious quarrels. If you were on the winning side, it is a happy result for your current love interests.

After sharing the dream, I found that our veterans are marching with the support of the general public through London today.

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