
Tuesday 11 June 2019


I had a dream of President Trump today. In the dream he had his arm around my waist and asked me if I minded, I replied, I don't mind at all, I like a cuddle, it's not the first time we've had a cuddle is it.

We were walking along the road together in my location sorting things out, we  didn't stop talking and then I said to him, Mr Trump, the LORD  turned my heart away from Nigel Farage. Trump then put on his serious, not pleased look.

Then I explained.  I said, "Mr Trump we have to speak the truth don't we?" He replied, "yes". I then said, "that also applies to Nigel Farage doesn't it?" "He didn't tell the people that we have already left the EU on the 29th of March and that there is a Supreme Court Case about it.  He should tell the truth shouldn't he?" He replied, "yes" and nodded his head in agreement.

Then we had to leave each other because he was going into a clothes shop for a business meeting and to get some new clothes.

As we were leaving, I noticed he had something on his head and it looked like 4 sticks of bamboo growing out of his head and it was very green and fertile.

Then some woman said to me "that's President Trump", I replied "yea, I know, we've known each other since before he became the President".

After that I was in a recurring dream of saving bear cubs and there were a couple of dogs in the dream, one of the dogs was a white poodle. I shushed one of the dogs away because the dog was chasing the bear cubs and then the white poodle came along and greeted me.


Then I went inside the house and there was a man living there and he asked me how I got into the house, I replied, "I have a key."

He asked "How many other people have a key", I replied, "I think there were about ten people living here".

When the lovely white poodle came up to me, very friendly, that was the man's dog that lived in the house. So the white poodle arrived with the man and he was very kindly.

I then realised that this has been a recurring dream with the bear cubs. And yesterday, I dreamt that they were being chased into the road and it was dangerous for them and I was trying to protect them.

The two young bear cubs were light brown colour, like teddy bears the two of them were running around naturally in nature.

I think the bamboo sticks could be symbolic of him having thoughts about nature and the environment on his head, the future for humanity. That could indicate that Prince Charles definitely did have an impact on his thinking when they had their meeting. Food for thought!

In dream interpretation healthy plants are a symbol of general good luck in the current undertakings and I am sure that Trump thinks he is very fortunate to be able to help his country in this historic timeline. He is strong and courageous and a deeply caring man, a businessman that really can make a difference.

Buying in a shop can indicate some petty financial issues that can be overcome by the use of a little self-restraint.

Asking questions in a dream is also good luck and to dream of someone famous can indicate to keep on trying as you will get help from an unexpected source.

Power of Love 

Also discussing politics in your dream is considered a sign of success, although if that politician was the opposite sex it can mean that effort is futile. So it really depends whether we think Trump is a politician or not. I don't think of him as a politician, I think of him as a businessman, a husband, a family man, and a man that knows how to stand up to the politicians to defend his people.

Due to the nature of our conversation it is clear that we were discussing principles and integrity.  The same principles that he has applied to his own family, must apply when he is talking to people from other countries. The heart of integrity is essential for the continuance of a healthy life on the planet.

Trump must demand that the truth is told. There must not be media blockades on the truth, especially when the law is involved.

As a general rule dogs in a dream usually represent friends and the behaviour of the dogs have to be considered in the dream interpretation. As one of the dogs wasn't being friendly to the bear cubs, and the other dog was fine with the bear cubs and was friendly with yours truly. The affectionate dog represents pleasure and happy times with friends.

To see wild animals in your dream and that can include bears, is generally good news pertaining to business; again the behaviour of the animals have to be considered in dream interpretation. In the dream the young bear cubs were being playful, just having fun together.

I think that is one of the great things about America, it is such a large country that animals still have enough habitat to run about freely, even the bears.

UPDATE 12th of June, 2019. Bamboo the miracle plant, clothes being made from bamboo.

While looking at the dream interpretation I forgot to mention the key that was mentioned in the dream. To dream of being a keeper of a key augurs a position of authority in dream interpretation.

The man living in the house had a key, ten other people had a key, and I had a key, that makes 12 keys. An old house can signify a reunion or renewal of an old association and it was a lovely historic house in lovely grounds with trees.

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