
Monday 24 June 2019


Dr Greger shares with us that every hour, there are 800 incidents of DNA damage in our bodies. He writes "Which foods help us to patch back up: apples, broccoli, celery, choy sum, lemons, lettuce, oranges, persimmons, or strawberries?"

In this video he shares the latest scientific research with us on foods for repairing DNA.

I found that interesting as before I could even walk or talk, as a baby I would suck lemons and my parents found it most strange for a baby to do that. I also sucked pickled onions and we know that fermentation is good for gut flora. I've always got lemons in the fridge as I like to cook with lemons as well as lemon juice on salads sometimes. Lemon chicken is lovely, marinate chicken in lemon juice and olive oil. You can also have lemon in water in the mornings, as a cleanser.

While I was pregnant I just had to eat oranges, as many as I could each day, my body kept on asking for oranges. I also ate granny smith apples and strawberries during the pregnancy, always liked the green apples. I couldn't stomach anything spicy and I would eat salads most days with fish or chicken.

While pregnant my body would only accept healthy food and body intuition is incredibly important.

In recent years Jesus asked me to make lemon curd for my muscles to stop cramping and since then I have recommended it to others to try too. It has to be homemade lemon curd.

I've always eaten celery and lettuce throughout my life, mainly lettuce, although in recent years I began to grow celery and lettuce, this year I've started growing broccoli too. I even have a lemon seed that has sprouted this year. I'm in my third year of food growing and I am enjoying it so much being in the garden and learning from it. I've had a good crop of strawberries this year, although the children like picking them and eating them before I do.

Last night I made an almond cake with golden sultanas and today I am giving it a lemon butter cream topping. Nutrition research proves that you can eat your way to physical health. Although what I discovered is that different systems in the body and different health conditions require different nutrients. Not only that but scientists are discovering new systems in the body that they didn't know about before.

Real lemon juice is also very important as it has Vit K, and the brain requires Vit K to assimilate Vit C into the body. You don't have to take a Vit C supplement as most people get enough Vit C from their food, although even that has to be assimilated.

In the 1950s, English children were often given Vit C tablets to take, myself included, as in those days there was still food rationing after WW2. Another reason why sucking the lemons was so important when I arrived on the planet. Body intuition and listening to your bodies is vital for your vitality.

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