
Sunday 9 June 2019


It is the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. After lighting my candle after sunset on the 8th, I gave an earnest request for some healing work to take place, for that to be my gift, the best gift in the world for another.

Shortly afterwards I saw small amounts of energy going upwards in the corner of the room on my left above the light. The energy looked just like this photograph.

Then while in the kitchen Yahweh said, "CHUT", I recognise that word to do with the Dutch Jews that moved to London in the 19th century. A member of the family shared that my great, great-grandfather was a cigar maker and he had a kiosk in Shaftesbury Avenue.

His Jewish surname was Arbede and his daughter Catherine married for love to a man that wasn't Jewish. Her family were very Spanish looking, her aunt that remained in Holland was a tall, buxom lady with a large stature.

However, the word "CHUT" is also biblical.

Strongs 2339 and it can mean 'thread', 'cord' or 'line'.  In Ecclesiastes 4:12 it is in the verse that mentions a three-fold cord that cannot easily be broken.

You could view it that when two healers are together Jesus said there I shall be, making three and Pythagoras said that three was the perfect number. Sometimes we have to take a multi-pronged approach to life and multi-task to help the healing of the body another reason why I always liked teamwork. That's how I view working with Spirit, it is divine teamwork, for I am never alone, not even with my thoughts.

Another view of "The Threefold Cord"

What else do we find in the Aramaic - Jesus spoke of it being easier for a rope to go through the eye of the needle. I've always thought of that as the mystics rope. Also interesting that my great-grandmother was a seamstress, and I loved doing embroidery in my youth.

Maybe her great grand-daughter inherited that from her. Michelangelo also did a fresco of the seamstress talking to a little girl.

I smile as I think of what I said to a friend last week, "Are you going to swim downstream or are you going to be like the Salmon and swim upstream?".

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