
Friday 21 June 2019

Brecon and Radnorshire By-Election

Jeff Taylor reports "The result is in, Tory MP Chris Davies has been unseated by a recall petition so there will be a by-election in Brecon and Radnorshire in the coming weeks".

Apparently, it's usually a vote off between the Liberal Democrats and Tories. However, the Lib Democrats voted with the Tories for more austerity and against the disabled. Labour are no better as they introduced the work assessments and a majority of people win their tribunals.

It costs more to run the system than they save from it. Politicians from the larger parties are not good at housekeeping and budgeting are they, not even Farage was able to keep a party financially afloat. Farage hasn't mentioned the fact that we left the EU on the 29th of March, 2019 has he, he hasn't mentioned the Supreme Court Case either, any of his supporters asked him why he asked the EU to extend article 50, when it was "illegal" to do so?

Hopefully, Mr Farage will be court soon to answer for his 'betrayal", of 17.5 million voters who voted to leave the EU.

It took Gerard Batten, MEP,  leader of UKIP to save the party financially with his loyal team and membership. UKIP established for 27 years, the real party, and supporters that campaigned for the referendum, myself included. Decades of work by many people went into attaining the referendum, in fact, Gerard Batten joined what became UKIP around the same time that Nigel did. However there is a big difference between the two men. Gerard Batten has a moral compass that Nigel does not. 

So I wonder who will stand for UKIP in Wales this time. The green pastures of Wales, is where UKIP are holding their next annual conference and I hope that the people of Wales stand in integrity.

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