
Wednesday 15 May 2019


Its been interesting watching how the establishment and Tory donors combined with the media are all pushing Nigel Farage. I joined YouGov a few months ago, and what I have noticed is that they are not asking UKIP members how they will vote, and that can impact on the outcome of the polls.

It just goes to show that You Gov polls are as biased as the mainstream media and its journalists.

Didn't we see the same thing happen during the referendum, they didn't think that we would win did they. The same with President Donald Trump, they didn't think he would win either.

One thing people should be made aware of is that we see the bias as it stares us in the face, members, supporters of UKIP, and activists that campaigned for the referendum see the fact that Nigel is funded by Tory donors to split the vote.

Gerard Batten has given an interview to the respected journalist James Delingpole, have a listen to what Gerard Batten has to say and ask yourselves why UKIP members have been banned on some of the social media platforms owned by American corporations. It has become clear that America is colluding to impact upon our elections in the UK too.


Nigel Farage referred to UKIP and its members as "vile" that says a lot about Farage doesn't it, the man that asked the EU to extend article 50 behind closed doors when he was asked what to do about BREXIT by the EU. Nigel will do or say anything to get his way, and he doesn't care who gets hurt in the process. All so that he can parade around again and make some noise.

Bear in mind that Nigel's background is finance, prior to becoming an MEP, yet, he left UKIP in debt, he's not a great leader is he, when he can't even manage the finances of a party.

Thank the LORD for Gerard Batten that saved UKIP and turned it all around. Now with other 30,000 members, a £1M from memberships, and half a million given by members for the electioneering campaigning.

Gerard Batten has been a godsend for UKIP, a man of integrity, a moral compass, and a heart of conscience and UKIP has many people like him in the party.

James referred to Gerard has a brave man, and Gerard said that no one else was willing to take the job on. Only Gerard had the skills and talent to turn it all around and he has continually stood honourably and in integrity. His vision for our country is that we have a patriotic government that put our people and culture first.

The man that wrote the book about BREXIT and how to deliver it. I think Gerard has been the best leader of UKIP to date, he is a people person and Nigel is not. Yet, we watched the media and how they have "attacked" him, although he says that when the media do that he gains another 500 members for UKIP.

Gerard is not a kicking ball that the media can kick around, although in this interview he shares that even professional footballers have been "threatened" that if they support him it could impact on their careers. That my friends is "discrimination" and "persecution" against a man and his party, and we won't put up with political persecution of anyone, whomever they are.

In this interview Gerard shares that UKIP began with an earlier group of about 12 people and 200 supporters across the country. He says that was around the time that both Gerard and Nigel joined the group that became UKIP.

I've heard today that those that defected to Nigel thinking he would keep his promise to them, have not been selected by Nigel to stand in the EU elections. How ironic is that as they hadn't been selected by UKIP to stand as MEPs again prior to their defection.

I heard of another defection today, first from the Labour Party, then to the Independents and now to the Liberal Democrats, people keep on changing hats, but it doesn't change the people in their hearts.

The career politicians are going where they think they have the best chance of gaining a seat, how funny is that, as what they should be doing is standing on their principles and never moving from it.

What we can say about Gerard Batten is that he is a man of principle and real people are not interested in career politicians. Gerard Batten put his party and membership before himself, a selfless act to save UKIP that he had invested his life in after he left BT.

A party of genuine people that he really believes in and I think people would be surprised to know that there are a lot of Christian members in UKIP. A lovely Christian couple from a UKIP branch office came to visit me today.

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