
Tuesday 28 May 2019

'THORN IN THE SIDE" Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage owns a company with the name "Thorn in the Side". Very few people comprehend spiritual symbology and biblically the thorn as written in 2 Corinthians 12.7 is the "thorn of torment".

The Guardian newspaper reported that Nigel Farage is the sole director of that company and he had assets of £548,573 for the year to May 2018. A substantial jump from assets of just over £157,000 recorded for the previous year. Five months after the MEP claimed he had no money, he had a vast amount of money in his account. As far as I am aware it is being investigated by the EU parliament.

Bible prophecy says that the thorns will be wiped out in a single day.

The prophecy says "under his pomp a fire will be kindled like a blazing flame".

"The Light of Israel will become a fire, their Holy One a flame; in a single day it will burn and consume his thorns and his briers". Isaiah 10:17

Nigel Farage and Gerard Batten are both Aries, both fire sun signs, although the two men are very different men. Gerard stood with those that were being "politically persecuted" and Nigel did not.

Nigel did his utmost to destroy UKIP and his former colleagues, and Gerard Joseph Batten saved UKIP with the support of the membership. As prophecy foretold, Jacob is the fire and Joseph is the flame. I once said to Israel if you are my fire, I am your flame.

Today, the UKIP Chairman has congratulated the BREXIT party in their usual gracefulness. UKIP are known amongst their membership as people of tenacity and courage, it is certainly not the end for UKIP and it does herald new beginnings due to the campaigning being non-stop.

However, as far as I am concerned the EU elections are irrelevant in the big picture due to the limited time the MEPs will be in the EU. There is a court case being taken to the Supreme Court in the UK, due to the fact that we officially left the EU on the 29th of March, 2019.

This video explains why Nigel Farage could find himself in court due to him asking the EU to extend article 50 behind closed doors. Nigel Farage doesn't like the constitution reports Daddy, and Americans would certainly be surprised by that fact.

Daddy shares with us that Stuart Agnew and another witness are prepared to go to court if necessary to give their testimony in regard to what happened with Nigel in the EU.

In this video it shares some of the interview with Tucker on Fox News and previously, in the CH4 documentary it was claimed that Tucker was paid over £11,000 to interview Nigel Farage prior to this.

I heard today that some of Nigel's supporters are returning to the Conservative party now that Theresa May has resigned. However, no names were cited of the people leaving the Brexit party.

Political people and politics can be very fickle indeed, especially where money is involved. Has we know Jesus couldn't be bought, his love was not for sale, and nor was mine.

It didn't matter how much our people were "tormented", by the mainstream media on behalf of Nigel Farage that led the campaign against the innocent, my people stood trustfully loyal to their principles and constitution.

Those in the know have witnessed the media bias towards anyone that had a different voice to Nigel, we've seen the media blackouts and the American owned platforms deplatforming activists. We've seen local press not even mention other candidates in both the local elections and EU elections.

American corporate celebrity politics arrived on our soil with the backing of the media that think that sells newspapers. That style of politics didn't begin with Nigel it began with Tony Blair. Nigel and the media didn't care who they "tormented", who got hurt, and who they used to push their globalist agenda and narrative.

It became clear, very quickly that the globalists were backing the "Thorn in the Side" director and the bible shares with us that the LORD, the LORD Almighty would take action against it.

I must admit once upon a time I supported Nigel but over a period of years my eyes were opened more and more. The LORD Almighty turned my head and my heart and showed me what he wished for me to see. So it is no surprise that I was compelled to join UKIP only after Nigel left it completely.

The LORD loves the humble hearted and brings down the "pompous thorns" that "torment" his people. I can tell you this that there are many humble hearted members in UKIP there are also many Christian patriots that are defending our country, culture and heritage.

Hand in hand, side by side we stand together in our hearts of love caring fully for our people that have suffered due to the political environment in which they have been forced to live for many decades. Enough, really is enough!

Onwards we go forward.

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