
Friday 17 May 2019


I felt compelled to purchase some Sandalwood oil from Sun Essences in Norfolk as it was on special offer at £4. I like to increase my selection of oils to work with and experiment with.

Interesting that one of the oils that my mother had in stock prior to her passing over was Sandalwood and it was her daughter that introduced her to the oils and essences for healing purposes. Although she had used most of it. Sandalwood is put into incense and fragrances.

Sun Essences also do a soothing cream with lavender oil and a crab apple flower essence in it, that is very soothing for the skin. I recommend putting it on your skin after a bath or shower.



East Indian Sandalwood Oil has been found to help people that have chronic skin conditions.

In 2014, New Scientist shared a study that appeared in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology on Sandalwood Oil, (although the study tested a synthetic sandalwood oil) the article says that "the oil triggered cells to divide and migrate, important processes in repairing damaged skin". 

During the testing natural sandalwood and other different synthetic versions were tested, only three had a beneficial effect.

In Tibetan medicine sesame seed oil is recommended for skin conditions so you could try a combination of both. For Tinnitus applying warm sesame seed oil or nutmeg butter is recommended to be applied directly behind the ear lobes.

For the lumber region of the spinal column aniseed butter is recommended and you can apply it to the acupressure points. Although I put aniseed oil on the soles of my feet after a bath and it does stop any soreness in the soles and limbs.  It is better to put the oils on after a bath or shower because that is when the pores of your skin are open. After I put the oils on I then cover my feet to keep the aroma in.

After a full body massage with the oils in Tibetan Medicine they run down the body with lentil floor to remove any excess oil to invigorate it even more. Although I like to stay in the aroma's.

Interesting that author Gerti Samal wrote that in former times, Tibetans used animal fats for healing wounds, and for massaging the back, abdomen and kidneys. If you would like the recipes for the different butters, than I recommended Gerti Samal's book, Tibetan Medicine. ISBN 0-316-85845-5 It is definitely worth putting in your healing library.

Jesus and Magdalene did like working with their healing oils and so do I, one of my favourites is Geranium although it is quite an expensive oil. Lavender and Geranium together is absolutely wonderful for a restful healing sleep.

We also have healing for animals with the oils, and we allow the animals to smell the aroma directly from the bottle and the animals usually take what they require. My view is that the aroma's impact upon the neurones that instruct the body and its healing actions. Of course humans can smell the aroma directly from the bottle too.

In the time of King Solomon, Sandalwood was used in the building of the temple of God. Hence, it was in incredibly important to the Hebrews.

Although one of the most important things for the skin and bones is getting sunshine to the body and they get plenty of sunshine in Israel. In the wintertime it's a good idea to take Vitamin D too.

I've been looking for somewhere I can spend the winter months, due to the wintertime being the most difficult time for my body to function properly. For years my mother would spend her wintertimes abroad in the sunshine for health reasons. I think it was one of the things that kept her mobility after dad passed over.

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