
Saturday 25 May 2019


After discussing politics last night on-line, when I woke up this morning the message that I received was "Red October" and that is associated with the Russian revolution, a book, and a film.

I was awake when I received the message, although I received a dream prior to that and in the dream there was a large egg shape it looked crystal and there were shards of light coming from it.

In dream interpretation to see a crystal with the light in it, "signifies a quick solution to any problems, puzzles or mysteries that may have been concerning you". 

What do eggs and Russia have to do with each other? Faberge eggs. The Tsar Alexander III gave his wife the Empress an Easter egg in 1885.

Today in the Irish news exit polls indicate that the Greens have picked up votes and I did email a friend after the success that the Greens had in the local elections, and wrote that I anticipated they will have wins in the EU elections too.

As far as UKIP is concerned I think a lot will depend on what happens with Tommy Robinson and whether he wins the MEP seat in the North West, as he is standing as an independent.

If Tommy does win his seat I can see the Labour Party shedding even more supporters, voters and MPs. I do see more people on the left joining UKIP before the end of the year. Whether Carl Benjamin has had an impact upon that we will have to wait and see.

Tommy's supporters have said that if he doesn't win, the vote is rigged because the working class are definitely supporting Tommy. Either way, I think UKIP will gain from Tommy's rallies, our country has always loved hero's and Gerard Batten has certainly been a hero for UKIP and Tommy.

Carl Benjamin has also been brave in taking on the media and it's narratives on behalf of freedom of  speech and UKIP. What we do know is that younger members are joining UKIP, and they are winning.

I also think it was great that Milo came to England to help out with the campaign in the South West. So let's have some songs and just relax this weekend while the Tories tear themselves apart.

What I am seeing is "Knife Crime" and associated immigration being a major issue for voters and that includes leave voters. I don't think that Jess Phillips has done anything to help the Labour Party, in fact, I think the socialist feminist has done the complete opposite. The same with David Lammy, Diane Abbot and Sadiq Khan, as a Londoner, and someone that came from a working class socialist family, I wouldn't vote for any of the Labour MP's.

Especially when you bear in mind that "knife crime" is at it's highest rate that it has ever been in the history of our country. Doctors are also complaining about the extra burden and pressure that it is putting upon hospitals and A&E departments.

The doctors claim that operations are having to be delayed due to the sheer numbers of people being take to hospital in emergencies due to "knife crime".  Doctors are saying that the hospitals can't cope with the extra pressure. Another fact is that 4 out of every 5 "acid attacks" have been on men.

The 2018 official immigration stats report that the non-EU immigration has been the highest since 2004, so as the barrister, Francis Hoar tweeted, "good riddance" to Theresa May. For updates on immigration I recommend the Migration Watch website.

MW share that the home secretary, Sajid Javid plans to scrap plans that migrants must be earning £30,000 year to stay in the country. In fact, David Cameron said in parliament that they would have to be earning £36,000 a year to be able to stay in the country. So Theresa May must have reduced that figure and now SJ plans to get rid of the threshold altogether. Can't have the corporations paying proper salaries in-line with the cost of living now can we.

It also looks like the Tories have decreased their membership by 25,000 people since Theresa May first became PM. People have been tearing up their Conservative Party membership cards. The odds on favourite for their new leader is Boris Johnson and he has more MP support than anyone else. If Boris does win the leadership I hope that he replaces Sajid Javid.

As far as the sword of truth is concerned I think there will be success and celebrations for UKIP later in the year, more people will join the party, party membership will keep on increasing due to it's working class base, as the working class are the majority in our country. I see more success for the party financially too, strong, stable and solid.

In America the colour red is associated with the Republicans, in the UK, red is associated with the Labour Party socialists. Although the Labour Party socialists today, don't live up to the principles of it's founder, as Keir Hardie was against immigration and emigration.

I do think there is a political revolution going on in the UK, although it wasn't created by Farage as the media narrative would have you believe. This is much bigger than Brexit, people are not voting on one issue, in the local election protest vote it was found to be about "Health, crime and the economy".

Everyone that I speak to inside and outside of UKIP are against the privatisation of the NHS, and yet, Nigel Farage is for an insurance based system like America's private healthcare. I think that is one of Nigel's biggest weaknesses, Tory privatisation of our national healthcare.

Remember this that Arron Banks, the businessman that backed Nigel is in insurance and Nigel has a background in finance like the career politician Theresa May that has now resigned. I didn't join UKIP until after Nigel left it. My reason being that I was waiting to see what happened with the leadership of the party and the direction it was going in. My passion has always been the health of our nation.

If you'd like to save the NHS join and vote for UKIP, if you would like a hardline on immigration and crime, join and vote for UKIP. If you are concerned about the economy and jobs due to immigration, join and vote for UKIP.

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