
Wednesday 1 May 2019


On the 29th of April, 2019, I had a dream with a man with the name Peter in it.

Announcement this evening that there will be a by-election in Peterborough.

UKIP as a Peterborough City Councillor standing in the by-election for the position of MP for Peterborough, Cllr. John Whitby. He has a lot of experience of the workings of the council and people do like real life experience. In the video he shares with us that the Tory controlled council keeps on selling off public assets and I have to tell you that it is the same in other councils too.

The BBC reported that 61% were leave voters in the referendum, although they didn't mention that UKIP were standing in the forthcoming by-election. The cheek of them, they mentioned the "terrorist supporter", George Galloway who says that he intends to stand. The MSM have been giving George Galloway a lot of media coverage recently and it includes RT.

So what do we know about John Whitby? His Twitter feed says that he is an Engineer, Sportsman, Sports Coach and Event Communications Specialist. Physical fitness and likes diving into the deep end of a swimming pool. He's also a member of a trade union.

The by-election is being called due to the recall of the former Labour MP that was convicted of "Perversion of Justice". Fiona is no longer able to stand in parliament, although apparently, she is allowed to stand for re-election. The constituents in Peterborough have made history by recalling the first MP for the first time in England's parliamentary history.

John thinks that the by-election will probably be held in June. In this video John tells you the financial state of the Peterborough Tory controlled council. John is urging the voters in Peterborough to vote for more UKIP councillors to change the balance of power in the council on the 2nd of May.

Interesting that in April, Jesus said, "June".

In the meantime, the leader of UKIP, Gerard Batten has been on the road campaigning.

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