
Monday 13 May 2019


Dr Tony O'Sullivan, the co-chair of Keep our NHS Public and a retired consultant paediatrician warns about the extent of the privatisation of the NHS that is going on. More and more sub-contractors that includes Richard Branson's, Virgin Care.

O'Sullivan says that the service is becoming more and more "fragmented", and that impacts on the quality of the service at a higher cost. Just because it has an NHS logo, doesn't mean that you're receiving care from the NHS.

People working in the NHS are asking for more transparency on exactly what is happening to the NHS due to the increasing amount of privatisation.

O'Sullivan also says that there has not been an increase of investment into the NHS in real terms and that the facts are that money has been taken out of NHS. That is obvious to everyone that knows that in the 80s we had three times the amount of hospital beds than we have now. The main parties have done nothing to save our NHS, none of the main parties took the case to the Supreme Court.

Although Stephen Hawking did start a class action lawsuit with doctors in London against NHS England.

The fact is that the EU have been working towards standardising healthcare throughout Europe, and some countries in Europe have private healthcare. The EU have also been funding private health care companies that are involved in the privatisation.

After my discussions with UKIP, I am of the view that UKIP are the only party that could and would save the NHS given the opportunity to do so.


It's also important to point out that while all this is going on, Meghan has been using her instagram account to promote her American friends business, a business that provides retreats at £3,600 a week!

Now that Meghan (real name Rachel) has been given English citizenship she should not be promoting American businesses to provide facilities for our people that require healthcare in England.

Not only that but Meghan, Harry, William and Kate are supporting and promoting texting people instead of providing the essential hands-on care. Princess Diana would be outraged.

In 2017-2018, I attended the local health forum for our area, and during that time, the Tory County Council was promoting texting for elderly people too. As far as the mantra about us having a lot of elderly people with "complex needs", they've been saying the same thing since the 60s. Those politicians don't change do they!

So what's the latest with the 999 Call For NHS court case? The legal team have advised that they have not been granted permission to take the Judicial Review to the Supreme Court. So where is the justice in the UK?

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