
Sunday 26 May 2019


NBE are rejoined by Astrologist Krasi Attasio and they are discussing the planetary configurations on how they are impacting upon countries, it includes views on Brexit delays, America, China and Iran.

During the discussion the date of the 2nd of July, 2019 is mentioned due to an eclipse and what it is upon. The 2nd of July, is the "Day of Unconscious". The 16th of July is also mentioned and that is the "Day of Rising Tide".

Krasi Attasio mentions the banking system being involved in the delays of Brexit and that's interesting bearing in mind that Arron Banks financed Nigel Farage. Farage has also come out against Boris Johnson replacing Theresa May, so Farage doesn't even agree with Jacob-Rees-Mogg. Frankly, I don't think it is any of Nigel's business who the Tories choose to lead them.

Arron Banks is a businessman involved in insurance, and Nigel's background is finance, the same as Theresa May. Nigel Farage is for an insurance based healthcare system in the UK, that means privatisation that the people are against. So if you are against privatisation, it means that you are also against Nigel Farage and his cronies that support an American style healthcare system.

Activists in the UK are doing their utmost to put a stop to the privatisation of our healthcare system, although it is definitely an up hill struggle trying to get justice in the UK.

Even with BREXIT, there is a court case about it going to the Supreme Court. Robin Tilbrook has been helped to raise the funding from the people to take it to court. We are hoping for a court date in June, although we could have a result in July.

Also the EU have gone after the London banks, the EU is trying to take billions from the London banks. It is always interesting to listen to what others are saying, although I don't always agree with those views. As it is often the case that things can manifest in different ways and not the way that you think they will.

So for instance two dates that I have been divinely guided with this year is "June", and "Red October". We are at the end of May we have seen the resignation of two political leaders in the UK, Theresa May, and Vince Cable. The selection of new leaders will take some time due to procedure and so I can see how the July eclipses could feature in that.

There is also a planned election at UKIP in June, and we await the results of the EU elections this bank holiday weekend in the UK. After that Gerard Batten will let the NEC and membership know his decision on whether he is willing to continue, although no matter what happens in the elections, the membership would still like him to stay due to having done such a fantastic job leading the party.

As far as America and Iran are concerned, I consider that just to be posturing, as I think that Russia would do everything possible to stop a military conflict with Iran. The Russians weren't best pleased with American intervention in Syria, and as we know the Russians stepped into stop the decimation of Syria.

Also interesting that the Trumps are coming to the UK in June for a state visit, and some are not happy that the plan is to take him to Portsmouth for a veterans event while he is in the country.

English people think that Trumps visit to Portsmouth will take away the focus on the veterans day.

I can appreciate why they have that view of it. Although I hope that Donald and Melania have a fabulous time.

From what Krassi Attassio says, it is going to be a "frustrating time" this summer for people involved in politics and Trump is definitely frustrated with the American Liberal Democrats continually trying to stop him from doing his job to help all Americans. Someone pointed out today that America doesn't have a democracy, it is a Republic.

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