
Monday 6 May 2019


Milo is coming home to the UK, and this evening at 10.00pm he will be live streaming with Sargon on youtube. They are going to be talking about Carl Benjamin's UKIP campaigning, Facebook bans, Milo coming to the UK, and Milo's new show.

Milo energised the students on American campuses to campaign for Trump, he delivered the facts in an entertaining way, including facts about what is happening in his English homeland (all of his campus lectures are on youtube). Let's give Milo a wonderful welcome home. Milo energised people to innovate change, so it's lovely to see him giving his support to the UKIP campaign in defence of our country.

The former tech editor at BREITBART media, British journalist, political commentator, author,  publisher and most recently a singer, is back on the campaign trail. If you haven't listened to him before, then do tune in this evening as the guys will be discussing censorship that is an aspect of north America's culture war.

Milo campaigned continuously on campuses in America to galvanise the grass roots to help Trump to get elected. Another reason why Silicone Valley have done their utmost to silence him and others that supported Trump's election. American censorship includes another Englishman and UKIP member, Paul Joseph Watson, he has also been removed from Facebook.

Milo Yiannopoulos helped to co-create an army of boots on the ground for the election campaigning for Trump. He also came to England to speak at the Freedom of Speech Day held in London, the leader of UKIP Gerard Batten spoke that day and so did Tommy Robinson and Sargon of Akkad amongst others.

Sargon the Stag 

Trump has a state visit in June in the UK and the leaders of the Labour party and the Lib Dems in the UK are refusing to attend the banquet. As such, that means that those leaders know that they will never be PM.

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