
Saturday 18 May 2019

Former Police Officer UK

In this video a former English police officer provides an update on the spread of sharia in the UK.

Cultural genocide of the UK is inevitable unless the spread of Islam and its sharia law is stopped immediately in our country. As Jesus said, "LAST DAYS".

Both Nigel Farage and the Liberal Democrats are putting out an identical message, "Politics is broken". Nigel seems to think that American style politics is working for him.

There are people from the Labour Party and Liberal Democrats that seem to think that with Nigel they can destroy the Tories to make way for their parties.  The fact of the matter is that Nigel is a Tory, a Tory destroying Tories, how novel of them. Nigel tried to destroy UKIP too, never mind Nigel, Gerard Batten with his supporters turned it all around.

Labour and the Liberal Democrats both wish to remain in the EU, they support more immigration and open borders, that means more Islam. Whereas UKIP are for closing our borders, drastically reducing immigration and concentrating on what really matters to our people.

If you stand against cultural genocide, vote UKIP on the 23rd of May, 2019.

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