
Sunday 12 May 2019


A food forest in England with 500 edible plants, bio-diversity of nature to help the environment. 

My sense is that the Greens have been emboldened by their wins in the recent county council and local council elections. I anticipate that they will make more gains in the EU elections with those that would like to remain in the EU. However, in UKIP we have a farmer, Stuart Agnew MEP from Norfolk, and he has my vote, as I voted to leave the EU.

My view is for the real protection of our countryside we have to have UKIP in, because the more immigration there is the less green land there will be due to the property development for housing and jobs to feed the multitude. If you wish to save our countryside and people vote UKIP.

I did buy some more basil yesterday, sweet Basil and Greek Basil, I just love the aroma of Basil. My medicinal healing garden has many herbs in it now. Two types of Basil, two types of Sage, two types of mint, Lemon balm, Parsley, Tarragon, Thyme, Rosemary and Oregano.

I also have three different soft fruit bushes, a patio Apple tree, Olive Tree, and Grape vine. This is my third year gardening and food growing, it's been a great and enjoyable experience. I have four propagators indoors, and I have four temporary greenhouses outdoors.

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