
Tuesday 14 May 2019

Farmer Stuart Agnew UKIP MEP

My postal vote has gone in for the farmer from Norfolk, Stuart Agnew for UKIP MEP. Stuart Agnew is one of the candidates for the Eastern region. Stuart Agnew has gained vast experience of the EU while working in the EU, he knows how that parliament ticks.

He knows his way around, and who the people are that have tried to delay Brexit, and it includes Nigel Farage that asked the EU to extend article 50. They were both in the same meeting behind closed doors. Nigel's public face is very different to his face in private. "A motion in parliament is not law".

Your vote matters, make sure you vote. Think nationally, act regionally, as our regions are in great jeopardy. Vote UKIP.  A free market doesn't include other countries taking our fishing waters.

A free market doesn't include the American high-tech corporations having a monopoly of the internet, and it's platforms.

A free market doesn't allow those corporations to censor and silence our UKIP MEPs, UKIP candidates and supporters. Let everyone know how important it is that we bring pressure upon the establishment to hear he voice of the people. Let's shake up the establishment even bigger than we did in the referendum, remember the tactics of the Tories, Labour and the Lib Dems didn't work on us.

We were not afraid of what came out of Westminister, or the media, we voted with our hearts of conscience, now let's do it again, even bigger this time.

UKIP are the only party that has actively campaigned for freedom of speech with numerous people doing so. Another reason why I felt so at home with UKIP, as I have been defending freedom of speech one-line for 20 years.

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