
Monday 6 May 2019


Yesterday I noted that Twitter had stopped updates from the IDF on what is happening in the Gaza -v- Israel war. In this video it explains that the rockets from Gaza don't just impact on Jewish people, they have impacted on beduins that were living peacefully in Israel.

However, Jeremy Corbyn and the likes of him don't care about that do they? The English Israel Advocacy Group respond.

I don't think this is going to be over quickly in Israel this time, for the heavenly Father said, "Makeshift". Shall we call it "Operation Makeshift" because the Labour Party and it's supporters are really going to have to shift their perspectives.

It's interesting when you ask Labour supporters if they've ever been to Israel, they always reply, "No".  Yet, they have the audacity to judge Israel in defending their people that come in all shapes, colours and denominations.

When a political leader like Jeremy Corbyn stands against a country it does impact upon his supporters. In the same way of when the President of America stands with Israel, his supporters also stand with Israel. One politician on Twitter wrote that the Labour Party isn't what it was in the 80s', I can confirm that is true. In the 80s in London you didn't have elderly Jewish women being refused access to Labour meetings, nor were they attacked by Labour supporters, like they are today during the reign of Corbyn.

A man that refuses a state banquet with the President of America, shouldn't be in parliament and nor should Jess Phillips that disallowed men's issues to be discussed. Can you believe that Jess Phillips said she would knife Corbyn at a time when knife crime is the highest it has ever been in the UK. I think it is time for Jess Philips to be recalled by her constituents.

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