
Saturday 11 May 2019


Robin Tilbrook gave us an up date on what is happening with the BREXIT court case and Francis Hoar is the barrister that has taken the case forward. The guys have raised £180,000 towards the costs of taking the case to the Supreme Court, although a lot more funding is required.

Robin anticipates a court hearing in around five weeks. Of course, there has been a media blackout on the case because as Robin explains, the media know that if they gave the case some decent coverage then it would attract a lot more donations.

Please share this case and video with as many people as possible, help it to go viral on-line. People are asking why Nigel Farage has not mentioned this case. My response is to tell the people the truth, behind closed doors in the EU, Nigel asked for article 50 to be extended so that he could parade around with some new MEPs. 

Farage is not a friend of leave voters as extending article 50 is against our constitution and as Francis Hoar has already said, we shouldn't even be having EU elections because legally we have already left the EU on the 29th of March, 2019. 

If you would like to help out, if you can help, this is the website address for donations. 

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