
Thursday 25 April 2019


Paulo talks about the benefits of growing parsley and the best way to grow it throughout the year.

"He explains that as well as just being a herb he finds it a very good salad crop. Greek Cypriots have used it raw with freshly cooked pork and lemon juice traditionally. Parsley is a super food with its root tapping deep into the ground absorbing many nutrients. Paulo likes to use the pre-sowed pots from the the supermarket thinning them out and planting them into rows in the vegetable plot. Parsley being very resilient can also grow in forest gardens and permaculture schemes". 

The advantage of parsley, is that it is great for getting oxygen to the cells and herbs work on the physical reality. Hence, it is ideal for the elderly and I recommend it to anyone that has experienced a "stroke" or is interested in prevention of it. The other food that is recommended for that health condition is garlic, ideal for prevention. Parsley prevention.

My parsley in the garden also started with a pre-sowed pot from the supermarket and I keep my parsley in a bucket. Although I think this year I will put it in a bigger bucket, it looks so green and healthy.

I put parsley in salads, have it with fish, and also put it in soups. I found that Parsley likes English weather, and plenty of water, as it can get dry quickly in the sunshine. It grows great in partial sun.

This is my third year of growing parsley, and it grew all through the winter and stayed green.

I do give my herbs a herb feed in the Spring time once a week. The herb that I plan to introduce to the garden this week is Lemon Balm as that is a herb that can help with reducing radiation in the body.

I think that the mint is better off in the ground, as it tends to suffer when its growth is restricted in a bucket. So it will be interesting to see how the Lemon Balm gets on as that is from the mint family.

Thyme is for skin conditions, and my thyme lived through the wintertime, it is ready for a bigger container. Rosemary survived the winter in it's pot, both the thyme and rosemary are in their second year. The sage is in its third year, and last year I also included a new purple sage that grows taller.

With the chives in the pot, I usually include some new seeds and an additional fresh plant from the supermarket to give the chives a lift. I do like my chives in salads and egg mayonnaise.

My basil, Sweet Basil and Greek Basil are lovely, I start them off fresh every year. Continually taking cuttings throughout the summer to make more plants.

The bay leaf is in its third year and it hasn't grown much. Although I don't use many bay leaves in cooking.

The tarragon came back, I am so pleased, tarragon is wonderful.

My patio apple tree is now in pink blossom, it looks lovely with the olive tree. The 2nd year grapevine survived the winter and now has buds on it and so does the blueberry bush. In fact the blueberry bush is covered in flowers. Now in its third year, a lot more fruit this year.

My new chilli and sweet pepper plants, new seedlings this year, some were overwintered indoors.

Tomato, cucumber and courgettes are growing in the temporary greenhouses from seed. I'm going to concentrate on growing tomatoes and cucumbers this year with pak choi as they were a great success last year. Not going to do spinach this year, it took up too much space. Of course the celery is still growing from last year, I really like my celery. Celery is an essential in my garden and cooking, it always looks fabulous and loves plenty of water.

The goji's are still doing great and sharing cuttings with friends that would like to try growing goji's. The goji's are now in their second year, so hoping for more fruit this year.

Also going to have another go with some lemon and melon seeds this year. Started them off too late in the summer season last year. I've also got some ginger that has sprouted so going to put that in too. Ginger and lemon balm to get rid of radiation in the body.

I can't think of any other herbs that I would like to include although it would be fun to grow some happy St John's Wort.

Today I bought Lemon Balm, more fresh Mint, and some unusual black pepper mint, that will be great for salads. I looked at the patio cherry trees and peaches today, I will probably go for the cherries this year, as the cherries are brilliant for health. I think the cherry patio tree will be my treat of the year this year.

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