
Tuesday 23 April 2019


After a few days away from the internet, then the headlines were seen, Sri Lanka and what happened to the Catholics. It certainly looked like "chaos" with blood everywhere, a real massacre. Remember this that "the LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy".

Sri Lanka a Buddhist country where Buddhists have been defending their culture and people from Islam and its Muslims. 10% of the population are Muslims. Buddhists don't persecute Christians, and Hindu's, Christians don't persecute Buddhists and Hindu's.

Three Churches, four hotels, 310 people passed over and the wounded around 500. Who did it? The Telegraph share with us that it was a radical Islamic group and in 2018 they were vandalising Buddhist statues. Islam causes "chaos" wherever it goes. On the 20th of April, when I woke up in the morning I was shown "chaos".

Islam claims responsibility, they say it is "retaliation for Christchurch". 1400 years of Islam's war against non-Muslims.

As Jesus said, "LAST DAYS".

Paul Joseph Watson gives his response to the Sri Lanka massacre of Catholics and tourists.

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