
Sunday 14 April 2019


Haddock is on the menu this weekend, and haddock is strong in iron. Did you know that women during menopause and afterwards require nearly two-thirds more iron than men?

The things that doctors don't tell you. My mum loved a smoked haddock with a poached egg on top for breakfast and that's my breakfast today, although it's nearly lunchtime.

Did you know that we have already left the EU on the 29th of March, 2019, and it is "illegal" for Theresa May to extend BREXIT? Let's take back our fisheries now, no requirement for Nigel Farage and his Brexit party.

Legal cases are being brought against Theresa May and at least two judges have said that what parliament is doing is "illegal". An opinion isn't law, and a motion in parliament isn't law either.

Ousted former Labour MP, George Galloway is now saying he's not going to give up his day job to stand as an MEP. It sounds like the EU elections in the UK will not go-ahead on the 23rd of May, as he doesn't intend to spend his money on campaigning for it, he said, on RT America.

Originally he said that he was going to stand in the North West and be in the EU with Farage, how quickly things can change as that was only last week. Now the MSM are trying to frighten the electorate into thinking that Corbyn will become the next PM, when in fact, I don't think any political leader will obtain a majority in a general election in the UK.

National politics will have to change, because the people across the country have changed. I joined UKIP after Nigel Farage left, as I think that Gerard Batten is one of the most honest of men. Self-disciplined, balanced, fair, calm, strong, and stable. Exactly what UKIP required at its helm, Gerard Batten, the man that wrote a book on how to leave the EU.

It's the first time in my entire life that I've ever joined a political party, there is always a first time for everything.  UKIP has stood with the working class in defence of freedom of speech and that's more than I can say for others. UKIP also campaigned tirelessly to obtain the referendum and people that are loyal have stayed with UKIP and it's membership.

It is written that Jesus said to his followers "Come and have breakfast, yet none of the disciples dared to ask "Who are you?".

Interesting then last year, I said, ""Come and have breakfast" to a neighbour,  I cooked an English breakfast for a new neighbour and we sat and ate it together in the sunshine outdoors. I always enjoyed cooking breakfast for visitors and those that came to my home, my sanctuary for all those that came for some peace and upliftment. My son always loved his mum's cooked breakfast, although he wasn't a fish eater.

Funny then that when I was younger networking in business we used to go to breakfast clubs. Diana liked her breakfast too, smoked salmon and scrambled eggs, one of my favourite treats. Diana always in our hearts.

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