
Sunday 7 April 2019

Russian Women -v- American Feminism

Britany Pettibone interviews a Russian activist who says, 'Are we to go by U.S. feminism, where people spout senseless rhetoric. Where men are falsely accused of harrassment, when all they really did was show a girl a normal indication of attention'.

I did read on-line that more and more American men are coming to England to find a suitable wife is that due to the nature of the American feminist movement that has taken a hold of American culture via it's schools and universities, television and cinema, or is it because more and more men are looking for a real woman that is naturally female? The Russian woman views American feminists as "aggressive". 

Brittany has chosen to marry her European partner, her beloved Austrian, Martin Sellner, an example of the fact that it isn't just American men that look further afield for a partner that shares their interests American women do too. 

We can be feminine as we were born to be, being feminine doesn't mean being a feminist. Feminine women can be incredibly strong, although it is an inner strength. Strong on the inside, soft on the outside resonates with the teachings of Archangel Michael received during the Rev 12 timeline. 

My Venus is in Pisces so I tend to wear feminine clothes, floaty, feminine and flowing. What you wear often emanates your character. Today I am wearing what is known as shocking pink, a turtle neck top and a long pink streamlined cotton crepe skirt.

Sunday being a popular day in England for cooking a traditional Sunday lunch for our families, the Sunday roast. The importance of feeding our people properly. Cooking and eating as always been an important aspect of this feminine woman's life, as mentioned in the biblical prophecy found in the proverbs. When I cook, I cook with the energy of love and pure intention, nurturing with nutrition in mind and heart.

What youth have to comprehend is that life experience is incredibly important, that is why the bible prophecies spoke of the woman more precious than rubies. She knew from a very young age how important her elders were and that in the end, it is the men that have to fight the final battle with women giving their support and guidance.

The cotton bedspread mentioned in the biblical prophecy in the proverbs, it was made 40 years ago. King size, every single stitch by hand.

Hence it is important that people support each other in different ways. It gives men great delight to be able to be protectors of the feminine nurturer's in fact for 1,000's of years men have defended the feminine principles and the feminine. Remember this that men died for you ladies, they laid down their own lives for you and your freedoms to be who you were born to be.

As the Son of Joseph said to his daughter after he passed over, "Forget-me-not". 

"For the LORD your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you, or forget the covenant with your ancestors, which he confirmed to them by oath". Deu 4:31 

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