
Tuesday 9 April 2019


I was asked for spiritual guidance by a woman that lived in Shropshire and I shared with her that there was a shock coming in her area and it was to do with Muslims. Sure enough, very soon afterwards Telford was in the news.


Hebrews 1:3, Jesus sat down at the right hand of the majesty in heaven. The right hand is 'Length of Days" 

Biblical prophecy foretold that a herald would come at the appointed time to share the revelation of the prophecy and what had happened to our people. I wrote an article about the prophecy written in Hab 2 in 2009, I also wrote that the appointed time specified in the prophecy had come in 2010.

2010 being a three year for wisdom. The revelation was continually shared on-line in different locations due to the importance of it. The article was also distributed to people on my databases at that time. In 2010, I also shared it with the Greek people as that was when the wisdom gateway was opened in Greece.

In this video filmed in recent days, you will see Muslims using children as human shields on the Greek border, trying to force their way across the border with the Greek police stopping them.

Sometimes  it is not their own children, but children that they have abducted. The Turks also took Greek children in WW2, the Greek children were never returned to the Greek people. The Islamic Turks took Armenia too, will you allow Islam to take your country Greece?

In Athens people buy themselves new ID's and are given new passports, I met a guy that said he was from Iraq in Athens, he shared that he was waiting for a new identity and he didn't mind what country passport he was given, as long as he could get to Germany, because his girlfriend was at university in that country.

In Calais, it was found that one of the economic migrants was given two different passports for two different European countries.

From a clip from Lauren Southern's documentary, 'BORDERLESS", the documentary film makers actually met one of the Greek men that was running an NGO for human trafficking. He was being arrested by the Greek police.

Lauren Southern is also one of the people that was banned from coming to England to share the truth with Martin Sellner that shone the light on what was happening with NGO boats that were involved in the trafficking of people. These people should be applauded, and congratulated for all of their hard work in bringing truth to the people.

Now Trump says that he is going to stop human trafficking, yet one of the people that took action to stop it, was banned from entering America. The Austrian man was banned from entering America with his American fiancee, Britany Pettibone. Now you would think that President Trump would like to speak to that young couple wouldn't you?

I've looked through the archives and I found this post from 2012, in it, it mentions the prophecy again and how towns and cities have been destroyed by Muslims. The prophecy mentions Lebanon, because it was in the mid 70s when Arafat and his men decimated southern Lebanese Christians.

Prophet Habakkuk -v- Islam.

In 2006, I was in Israel when Hezbollah began firing on Israel, prior to that as I looked upon the Lebanon-Israel border, I got an ominous feeling about it. As we know there was a full-scale war after that and the UN had to beg Israel to stop their response to Hezbollah. This year I had a dream of Bibi and he was asking me when I was coming back to Israel.

On the cross-referencing of the prophecies of Daniel, and Jesus, I discovered that it was in the mid 70s that the last days began. I also wrote a paper specifically on that with citations.

It was in 2010 that an Athenian, Greek man visited me in England, the same year that Michael that lived in America passed over. The Greek man and Michael are mentioned in the Daniel prophecy. It was in 2012 that I was cut off the internet, and it was in 2013 that I was back with this blog.

As we know this year Jesus mentioned the last days again, the name that he gave for this painting.


I saw the news yesterday that Obama has been meeting with Merkle, the man mentioned in Rev 13 hasn't stopped has he, even after he left presidential office. The same Obama that told our people in our country to stay in the EU prior to the referendum. We know for a fact that Obama did not win his re-election fair and square. Project Veritas has done some great undercover filming sharing truth on that. 

As the prophecy said this calls for "Wisdom with insight" to do the count on Obama just as the revelation said that I would, it was easy to add up and do the soferim. Obama that promoted Islam wherever he went "striving to destroy spirituality".  I was even sent to America in 2008, to warn them about Obama and what was coming for America, did they have the ears to hear? The eyes to see or the heart to understand? 

Even Africans in Africa that are awake could see through Obama, and they don't like the globalist. It was also Obama's globalist plan to "delete", that which he didn't agree with to close down freedom of speech on-line. It was Obama supporters that stood against yours truly and Jesus warned the people in advance that those those stood against the Holy Spirit would not be forgiven. 

American tech giants tried to stop our English people from sharing the truth, while allowing Islam to spread on their platforms. 

Young Tommy Robinson was removed from Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat, they have even restricted him and his live streaming on youtube. The globalists have done their utmost to stop us from sharing the truth, as the Americans know what Clinton said in 2010 about America "losing the information war". 

They also removed one of our Greek-English journalists Milo Yiannopoulos and Obama supporters caused violence wherever Milo was going to speak. They even banned him from entering Australia due to an event that was nothing to do with him. Prior to that he had been thinking of moving to Australia in 2019 with his husband. 

Julian Assange has been kept in the Ecuadorian embassy also due to his exposure of the truth. 

Brunei has gone full-blown Sharia law, that means the people of Brunei can kill gays. Western banks have also embraced Sharia law and finance that means they are compliant to Islam. Islamic fees are  more expensive than interest. Jesus said,"silence is compliance", and we shall not be silent about Islam. 

As far as LBC is concerned I phoned in after the last elections to talk about what has been happening in the NHS. The first thing that they asked me was what political party I supported, after I said UKIP, the panel were straight on the attack. As soon as I mentioned the words "Cultural Genocide", they cut me off the radio and they refused to allow me to speak about the NHS. 

I first wrote an article about "Cultural Genocide', over Christmas in 2007, it was distributed internationally in 2008 by email, and posted on forums in different locations. It was in 2007, that I first began to watch the MEPs in the EU parliament and shared the speeches on-line ever since. 

LBC hasn't stopped me from sharing the truth about the NHS with the people that matter right now. 

The EU have been funding private companies that are involved in privatising the NHS, the EU have also pushed the immigration agenda upon our European countries that didn't vote for cultural genocide, another reason why we voted to leave the EU.  

Remember this that Islam stood with Germany during WW2, it never ended did it, it just went underground to rear it's head again. So why do I say that it is the right hand that is coming upon Islam? That takes us back to the Hab 2 prophecy where this blog post began, it also mentions how Islam has been overcharging our countries for oil. 

"The cup from the LORD's right hand is coming around to you and disgrace will cover your glory". Hab 2:16 How was I identified on the spiritual circuit in the 90s? My banner above my head at exhibition's was the ace of cups. The artwork was seen by thousands of people that visited each Mind, Body and Soul exhibition while touring the UK. 

What's coming next? 

A documentary on the "Rape of Britain".

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