
Thursday 18 April 2019


After I had written today in various different realities, including to a female MEP the LORD spoke to yours truly, "You are on the mark" that means ready, steady, go to me. It also means that my responses were "perfectly accurate", "exactly right". Yahweh is watching everything that I do.

Nigel Farage is "Brutal" he doesn't care who he steps on, or who he hurts. Aren't all globalists like that?

So my people, make sure that you vote in the County Council and local elections where you have a UKIP candidate standing on the 2nd of May 2019. Don't let the MSM, or polls take you away from what is really important now. Canvas for UKIP in your local areas where you have candidates standing.

Enough of the career politicians, they have to be removed from office. Enough of Nigel Farage and his cronies that should have done the honourable thing and resigned from the EU parliament in line with the UKIP constitution.

I've been hearing this song repeatedly today from when I got up this morning, ringing in my ears ARISE, the meaning of my name.

Don't forget to eat your ground hazel nuts and remember that those that were opposing a man that was persecuted by the Tories are supporting Nigel Farage. Nigel has been receiving a lot of BBC coverage hasn't he, just think of it, UKIP support getting rid of the BBC license fee. 

Remember it was the BBC journalist that called my people "cannibals", and I think that is representative of the globalist politicians that refer to our people as children behind their backs. 

Labour supporter John Sweeney, he doesn't have anything that I would like to eat and nor does the Labour party or the Liberal Democrats. Labour took our country to war, the Tories inflicted austerity, the Liberal Democrats stood against the disabled in parliament. 

The latest stats on immigration is that immigration to our country was the highest that it has been in 15 years. How many politicians have stood against more immigration, how many have stood against Islam and its Sharia Law and Finance. Oh yes, Nigel's career background is finance, Theresa May's career background is finance. Two peas from the same pod cast. 


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