
Thursday 4 April 2019


Just seen this article at the Telegraph a YouGov poll, a majority of people in England and Wales have said, "NO DEAL', it's only those that are living in London that did not want to leave without a deal.

That's not surprising is it when a majority of people that are living in London are now immigrants and so many of the politicians would like our country to remain.

I anticipate a landslide in the next elections if the people don't get what the people voted for in the referendum. The truckers also said that they would block the motorways if we didn't leave on the 29th and there was talk of closing stations and airports too.

There are also two different petitions running. The first that I signed was on and that was introducing a law that ensures that if parliament doesn't fulfil the democratic vote of the people than it should be law that it is "Treason".

That would ensure that parliament can be held responsible for their actions, being an MP, has consequences. The second petition that I signed was for a "NO DEAL LEAVE" and that email was sent by Reignite.

The MPs have also had a £2,000 pay rise, in addition to the salaries that many receive from their other jobs and businesses.

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