
Friday 26 April 2019

Kate McCann -v- Carl Benjamin

While Kate Mcann from Sky TV, was determined to take on Carl Benjamin and his internet culture of humour and satire in his war against political correctness. The MSM journalist refuses to understand what his reality was like four years ago while he was building his internet business.

Kate Mcann has to understand that Carl was building a business with his personality and rational thought processes that attracted a lot of people to support him financially for being outlandish.

Businesses were built upon people pushing freedom of speech to the limits, just like art has pushed beyond where people have gone before.

David Bowie, a cultural icon, pushed to see how far he could go in his art form. Milo was doing the same in his reality in America, and Carl is of the generation of "button pushers", if I push your buttons, great, deal with it, look at it, heal it.

If a person is triggered like many people are, it just shows us that those people have something deep inside to heal. I don't go around pushing people's buttons on purpose, although when people come into the light they can and do trigger until they understand themselves and why!

Benjamin certainly has a lot of American subscribers, and sponsors. Americans like his manhood, and willingness to stand up against what I called 20 years ago the "PC Brigade".

Those that haven't really engaged with social media and its characters in recent decades just don't understand what has been going on in the western hemisphere and the battles that have ensued to protect our people on the internet in defence of freedom and international law.

They don't understand that there has been a culture war going on and in 2010 Clinton said,"we're losing the information war". What she meant was America was!

People no longer believe the narrative that the MSM have been feeding to the people.

After all, in the UK, it is far away from the days of children watching Alf Garnett on television when it was still OK to say "Coons" and "Paki's" in television comedy. Whereas now you can be arrested by the police for saying, "I do wish you would speak English".

What we have witnessed in the decades since Alf Garnett is that speech is being policed, freedom of speech is being closed down. People are not allowed to make fun and some people are taking life far too seriously. Laughter is great medicine, scientifically proven and those that are confident have the confidence to laugh at themselves. Another aspect that I recognised is that Americans really don't get British humour and banter like we do, it's a totally different culture.

Personally, I don't think a man saying, "I would't even rape you", is offensive to anyone. Although I do think that Jess Phillips saying that she would "knife" Jeremy Corbyn should be taken seriously.

Do you get the difference?  The man said that he would't do something, and the female politician said that she would do something.

When a Muslim said to yours truly "I am offended by that", my response was, "then heal yourself of why you are offended".

Islam is not a race, and when the Liberal Americans began throwing their "race card" at yours truly, I threw it right back at them as it was theirs to own. I then said, "I only have ace cards in my right hand".

Do you understand Carl is triggering the Liberal media and its journalists that are trying to make our people conform to their globalist way of thinking. Just look at the media coverage, it's like Trump all over again. The media just can't resist the opportunity to be triggered by one of our activists because they think that the MSM matters to the voters.

When in fact most activists don't read newspapers or watch television because most activists don't have the time to do so. As my dad once said, "if you are going to read a newspaper, read six, then read between the lines".

My point is that it is a very different generation to my own, people like Carl have grown up in a different era and timeline.  English people tend to be more reserved. Now with social media some people have taken on Americanisms. So for instance the word "retard" mentioned in the Sky interview is something that is said and written a lot in America.

What Carl has to remember is that this is not America or Americans voting, it's a different audience and people are not all the same, the UK is a very different culture. The south of England tends to be traditionally English in every way, it's outside of the London bubble, with real people that like real talk from people that mean what they say.

The fact is that Carl as moved from being an internet character and personality fighting with trolls on line to moving into politics, just think about what the Scots would've said if Billy Connolly had he made that move.  Would the media have brought up every joke that he made and said during his life and then used that against him?

The media have to learn to walk between the worlds and know what world they're walking in because the media have caused chaos by supporting Islam. The American platforms allowed the Sri Lankan "suicide bomber" to promote his ideology on their platforms, yet, the intelligent and peaceful Englishman, Carl Benjamin that is defending our culture was banned on those platforms.

Can you see the difference?

The media censor and close comment sections to stop freedom of speech. Freedom of speech that is international law, freedom of speech and article 19 that I have defended for twenty years on the internet. Hence, I really do appreciate the next generations picking up the baton and defending our freedoms, Carl Benjamin is one of those people.

When the media attack our UKIP candidates, the people can see the tactics of the media. However, our people have woken up and the old "smear" tactics of the media don't work anymore.

My people are not afraid of the journalists or the media.

Remember Jesus said to his followers, "Never be afraid".

As far as "name calling", it isn't my thing, I'm a different generation, and being a healer it does make a difference to the dialog. Although I would prefer that people have a war with words and rational dialog than a war with tanks.

The media can't compete with our guys on social media that have over a million subscribers each, the MSM are no longer in control of the narrative.

Carl Benjamin speaking to the people in Bristol, while on the campaign trail about the fishing industry.

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