
Monday 8 April 2019


The first video is 9 quick ideas to grow more food this year.

In this video it is shared how to stop your lettuces from bolting, he says it happens when the lettuces get too hot and our English Huw gives you tips on how you can stop that from happening. 

We certainly had a mix of weather in 2018, warm weather followed by a lot of rain, then very hot weather. I like the hot weather but it's always useful to learn on what is best to do when that happens. 

Another great video for regenerating your soil.

What I did with some of my dry soil, is take it out of the small pots, watered it and mixed it with new soil. So there was no waste, just regenerating the soil with new and then mixing it all together. For plants that require nitrogen, you can also include some feed too. 

So for instance Blueberry bushes like rain water, and a nitrogen feed. I might actually repot my blueberry push this Spring so that I can take a good look at what is happening with the soil that is in the container. It's also good to aerate the soil in the containers and remove any snails that might have found there way into the containers. To stop snails climbing up your containers, an American food grower recommended putting car polish on the outside of the containers. 

I did mulch my bushes, mini-trees, and herbs for overwintering outside, and the wood chips have left them quite dry even after all the rain that we've had in England. I also think that they are drinking a lot more now due to them being in the growing season. The patio apple tree and blueberry bush is budding, the goji's have green leaves, most of the herbs have managed to survive the winter. 

The olive tree has done great and it kept it's green leaves on all winter outside. It's now in it's third year with yours truly. The grape vine isn't doing anything yet, and I don't think it is going to do anything, although I will leave it for a bit longer and give it more time. I have a feeling that some pests have got to the grapevine and that stopped it's growth. If it wasn't the pests, it must have been Jack frost. 

Indoors I still have my capsicum and chilli plants from 2018. Although I have put new seeds in for new plants. I've also put in three different types of tomatoes, courgettes, broccoli, and cucumber. 

Everything is coming along nicely, and I've managed to put a temporary greenhouse indoors to provide three additional levels close to the window. The small temporary greenhouse frames are ideal for indoors next to large windows. So there is going to be some more changes this year and re-arrangement at home. Also going to get a couple of fans this year, to keep the air flowing and circulating. 

The great thing about growing food indoors is that I can still garden and tend to my plants during the wintertime, as I enjoy it so much. Also I think this year I will grow food inside and outside all summer. My third year of growing food, such fun, three the numeric of wisdom. 

This is lovely, flowers can dance. 

My gran Sophia loved violets and freshia.

This is also beautiful, nature by numbers.

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