
Wednesday 17 April 2019


This morning I was shown three women and all three women had blindfolds on, they were tied to stakes. Then I saw the news that three female UKIP MEP's had toddled off to join Nigel Farage.

Then what I had been shown first thing this morning made sense. At least one of those women hadn't been reselected to stand for UKIP, so it's clear why she left it.

I listened to the RT UK report and replied to it and to other people that had replied to me. Only to find that someone had been censoring and editing my replies.

Some people are not wishing others to see the truth that I was sharing. Would youtube get involved in that type of censorship, definitely.

It's not the first time that my replies have been shortened and it isn't only RT UK videos where I've seen it happen, so youtube must be involved don't you think? Youtube are involved in the political campaign in the UK, I've also noticed that comments are not being allowed on many of the Notre Dame videos.

One of the three women, Margot Parker is on the polls on her Twitter feed and we know how changeable that they can be, especially if and when the media are pushing a particular agenda and political person as they have been doing with Nigel Farage.

The fact of the matter is that I've found a lot of the general public don't like Nigel, so why do the MSM keep pushing him forward, remember that the MSM have a globalist agenda.

The reason? The working class have come out in force for Gerard Batten that turned UKIP around. The streets were filled with thousands of people, it was wonderful to see the sheer numbers of people that have travelled from all around the country.

At the end of the day, polls don't matter, you have to get people on their feet and on the ballot so that people can place their vote. Although having said that the most accurate pollsters in the previous election have said there has been a swing from Conservatives to UKIP.

I honestly don't think that there will ever be a majority government again, and that the political parties will have to get used to having to form a coalition. I've looked at all of the Conservative candidates for the Tory leadership and I wouldn't vote for any of them.

I would never vote for Nigel either or anyone that supports him due to his "brutal behaviour" towards a woman Anne Marie Waters. Then he did it again to Gerard Batten. I don't like "brutal politicians", that turn on people and nor do many of Gerard's supporters.

Although the most important elections coming up are the County Council and local elections on the 2nd of May, 2019, as far as I am aware Nigel's team are not fielding candidates for those vital elections.

So most of the polls appear to be focussing on the European elections that are "illegal" anyway. As we've already left the EU on the 29th of March, 2019. A motion in parliament is not law, and it is against our constitution to extend article 50 beyond the date that was already agreed written in law.

There is a court case going on against the government, and the government asked for more time to respond to the high court, they had to have their response in to the court by the 17th and that was today.

So has Nigel isn't standing as a County Councillor or local councillor let's take a look at what's happening on a national level and how the poll is looking by the most reliable source. I say the most reliable source because they got it right in the London Mayor election and also in the referendum.

The most recent poll from Opinium, 9th of April, 2019. Labour was leading at 36%, Tories at 29%, with UKIP at 11% above the Lib Dems at 8%.

Membership of UKIP is also up at nearly 30,000 people with new members joining daily, although UKIP's supporters are far more than you see on the streets.  The combination of the national view, and taking into account that UKIP nearly trebled it's vote count in the North West Wales by-election in a Labour stronghold. It is the votes that matter.

Gerard Batten remains has calm as ever, and the more the media go after him for his thoughtful and considerate decision making, the more people that support him will rise to the challenge. It was Gerard Batten that stood for freedom of speech, it was Gerard Batten that stood on a stage with a man that had been politically persecuted by the existing government. It was Gerard Batten that embraced our social media activists, it was Gerard Batten that stood with our veterans. You can follow him on Twitter.

Latest news from France, the yellow vests will continue this weekend with their protests against Macron. The French people have "grievances", against the globalist Macron, nothing can stop the people now. As it has swept across Europe. Macron was also "brutal" towards the people via his police force in France. Not only that Macron did not honour the vote of our people in the referendum.

After I had written today in various different realities, including to a female MEP the LORD spoke to yours truly, "You are on the mark" that means ready, steady, go to me. It also means that my responses were "perfectly accurate", "exactly right"

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