
Saturday 30 March 2019

UKIP -v- Lucy Thomas

Gerard Batten, Leader of UKIP, wrote a book on how to leave the EU in 2014. In this Sky News interview with Lucy Thomas they discuss the latest situation with Brexit. Lucy Thomas is from "Britain is Stronger in Europe", she mentions her concern about the sharing of information with the EU, as in she would like it to continue. I remember in the 80s when our guys at BT were not happy that BT gave away all of the latest technological innovation that our guys had developed. 

All our telecommunication innovation that our people and families had paid for was just given away and the the rest of BT was sold off. People had invested their whole lives into BT, just to see  it all swept away. Unhappy English innovators did the EU cause. Working people devastated by the destruction of everything that they had helped to build. How would Lucy Thomas feel if she had invested her whole life building her own home, then the EU bulldozer came along and got rid of it? What does Lucy think that did to the self-esteem of some of our greatest talent? 

While industries were being destroyed, people's jobs went, then 20 years later the corporations were asking for education to provide more engineers. The audacity of the corporations that supported the EU destruction of our industries. No surprise then that Lucy Thomas is a former BBC journalist and we know how honest that they can be now don't we Tommy Robinson. 

If you haven't watched the "Panodrama": documentary expose of the BBC journalist, John Sweeney and his colleagues, I recommend that you watch it. 

Lucy Thomas was also Deputy Director of the Remain campaign, a David Cameron appointee too. The same David Cameron that took our country to war in Libya with Obama, as Lucy got any integrity or heart of conscience? Journalists don't know much about industry and working in manufacturing do they? What does Lucy know about health and "Dementia" David Cameron? 

Her career has been in journalism, as a journalist, not as a health investigator. How many clients has Lucy Thomas given healing too? How many patients has she helped during her lifetime? How many people did she help with their health conditions? Enough of Lucy Thomas that works for the globalists. 

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