
Saturday 16 March 2019


Members of UKIP speak about BREXIT to Carl Benjamin in London outside the Houses of Parliament. The interviews include the lovely Lord Pearson, the great Gerard Batten, UKIP Leader and MEP.

Then the strong UKIP Chairman, followed by the amusing Neil Hamilton from Wales, then Mike Hookem MEP who has given some great speeches in the EU parliament.

This was filmed prior to the most recent parliamentary vote.

As far Tommy and the Peterborough case is concerned, the judge gave favour to the Cambridgeshire Police Force and now Tommy is going to appeal the case and I think he is correct to do so.

No family or individual should be 'terrorised' and or 'persecuted' by the police force. What they were allowed to get away with is outrageous and our people have definitely had enough.

Tommy is currently in Belgium giving interviews and he also gave a speech at a Freedom of Speech conference.

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