
Thursday 14 March 2019


Donna Page shares about the Spring Equinox that is in Aries with a Libra Supermoon. It arrives on the 20th of March, 2019. As we know 20 is the numeric of judgement, and the 20th of March is the "Day of Labyrinth", followed by the "Day of Clarity" on the 21st of March. 

My dad's birthday was on the Spring Equinox and their wedding anniversary was on the 28th of March. March was always an expensive month for yours truly. The Son of Joseph being born in the UK on the Spring Equinox is certainly significant to England. 


Gerard Batten, the leader of UKIP is an Aries, and Libra is also about justice, balance and fairness. Libra likes harmonious pastel colours. At the time of the Spring Equinox it will also be Purim, and Tommy Robinson is back in court on the 22nd of March in London as decided by the Attorney General, standing trial again. 

So may justice be done for Tommy today in Peterborough, and also at his next court case. The 22nd of March is the "Day of Direct Current". As the Lord said, "Silence is Compliance" and we shall not be silenced. We shall not comply with "Political Persecution" of anyone in our country. 

In this video Donna mentions identity, and many people that are not born in our country do find that their children often suffer from an "identity crisis" that parents shouldn't inflict upon their children. 

Children with an "identity crisis' tend to take it out on other children, and it is not up to the children in our culture to take responsibility for the issues of other people from other cultures.  Remember the saying children, sing it in school.

"Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names can never hurt me". 

People that came from non-EU countries and different cultures to our own will always hunger for their own culture and roots at a very deep soul level. That's why people try to recreate their cultures inside ours and congregate together in different areas of the country. 

In Birmingham, where UKIP held it's conference this year, 47,000 people don't speak English, and only 64% are working, that means that there is high unemployment in the second largest city in the UK. In London, Somalians are now sending their teenage sons back to Somalia because it is safer for their children to live in Somalia than it is in Islington, London. Islington, where Jeremy Corbyn lives. 

That former school teacher and career politician couldn't even keep people in his constituency safe, what kind of man is he? He's the kind of man that has followers like Mike Stuchbery, another former teacher that was asking for 'white genocide' for Christmas, (2018) as posted on his Twitter feed! He's the same man that has stood against Tommy. 

So many American-Africans take the DNA test to find out what their origins are because they feel the importance of knowing where their ancestors came from. That is all about identity, their tribe, and feeling of belonging. 

My view is that there are many reality checks happening at this time especially while BREXIT is still on-going and some people are finding that very unsettling because it has made it difficult to plan for the future. 

A reality check for parliamentarians and their supporters. 2017 stats showed that over 9M people born abroad are living the UK and over 5.7M are from non-EU countries. 47% of people working in the NHS were also trained medically abroad. That has to change drastically, we have to have more of our own people from our own culture working in the NHS. 

Do you remember when David Cameron said that migrants earning less than £36,000 a year would have to leave the country, just think how prosperous our country would be if that was implemented to help the working class in our country. So many jobs would become available for our people. So many homes would become available too, there would not be a housing crisis if that was implemented. Many cars would leave our congested roads too! 

I am always happy to offer my help to people when asked. However, not at the detriment of our own children in our own historic culture in the UK. There must be justice for our children and their future, because only justice for our people will stop a civil war happening. In 2015, Gerard Batten was runner up in Romford, Essex in the election that year. Could he win if he stood again in a general election in Romford? 

I think he definitely could, people are sick of the Conservatives, Labour and the status quo. The county in which Gerard Batten lives also has a Conservative held council and that has to change too. They'e already submitted their budgets for more cuts to public services at the same time as raising taxes. 

So people must vote in the County Council elections on the 4th of May across the country. Vote UKIP it is only credible political party that stands for the working class and freedom of speech that we must defend. I don't think that there will be a general election in 2019, although I do think that Theresa May will be forced to resign.  

Some people will just have to accept that they have no choice but to leave the country and go home to their own cultures because our people are totally against "cultural genocide" of our culture. Spring has indeed arrived and pink blossom is on my tree again, with the sun shinning and blue skies today.

Last night I received a vision of Gerard Batten of UKIP speaking to President Trump on the telephone. And the gematria of the name Donald is the same as the word "Healer", it is also the same as the name "Lillian", my mothers name. My parents were against joining the EU, and they definitely would have voted to leave it. The Son of Joseph knew that joining the EU would have a detrimental impact on the working class in our country, and he was absolutely correct, it did. 

This young man, a gardener and food grower is on crutches after an operation and can't get the much required support and care from the NHS. I have recommended that he takes his power back from the NHS and fundraise for any extra help he requires.

I've recommended that he finds a mobile Sports Massage Therapist that can go to him at home. A lot of people are not aware that physiotherapy came out of massage therapy, that's it's origins. So why pay more for a physiotherapist when Sports Massage is excellent for muscles, tendons and ligaments.

This gardner is receiving no financial help from the government either. I also recommended that he take a look at the "Tendonitis Expert", website and have a chat with him too.

He's such a lovely young guy so I hope he has a health breakthrough on the Spring Equinox, I know he can't wait to get back to his gardening. So lots of positive thoughts and love and hugs to him to help his healing process. He's really into the best of nutrition so that can help him a lot with his healing journey.

Do you remember that I had a bath dream recently and it had three yellow lines painted on the sides of the bath. If people have arthritis it is best not to stay in the bath for too long, it feels great at the time, but the body suffers afterwards.

The only time that I recommend going into water for any long length of time is if you are in the sea or a pool with the sunshine overhead, as that is what I was guided to do. As Yahweh said to me, "get up", when I was in the bath, "when you get up say my LORD and Saviour gets me up".

Stay calm, stay peaceful, keep on it with the healing RAPHAEL.

I just had ENOCH bang on my door, asking me to support an NSPC campaign in schools I said, no, I don't agree with what they are doing. My work has already proven that to improve the lives of children you have to provide self-development programmes for the parents. The lives of the parents impact upon the children.

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