
Tuesday 12 March 2019

Social Engineering of Children UK

In this video Jack Buckby shares that children are being taught how to treat stab wounds in school.

The fact of the matter is that education has been socially engineering children for decades. 

I remember in the 90s a "depressed" child was brought to me so that I could find out what was causing her "depression". It didn't take me long to ascertain that the young girl's passion was English, and she was being socially engineered to take a science degree against her will. 

In the 90s children were being socially engineered to go into the sciences. In the next decade they were socially engineering children to become engineers. Then in this decade it was the humanities. 

So I am not surprised that children are being taught how to treat stab wounds in school. More of the social engineering for the humanities. 

Although you must admit that children are living in a dangerous world due to mass immigration. Over 5 million people living in the UK were not born in the UK, nor are they from the EU. That was the stats in 2017, we are awaiting for updated stats from Migration Watch. 

However, having said that we do require doctors, nurses and paramedics that were trained in our country in the UK.  As 47% of people working in the NHS were not trained in the UK, they were trained abroad, because they are from abroad. 

Then there is the case whereby youngsters in the UK would like to train as nurses and David Cameron said that we couldn't afford the £11,000 a year to train them in the UK. So there wasn't enough places for all of the applicants that live in the UK. 

Every retired nurse that I have spoken to in recent years all say that nurses should be trained on the ward like they used to be. They all agree that the matron of the hospital should be brought back too. I absolutely agree with those nurses who are often smarter than medical consultants. 

There would be no lack of nurses if they were trained on the ward, it also gives them a lot more life and work experience when they are on the wards, and whether that career is the right one for them. It also helps them with their choice of speciality. 

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