
Monday 4 March 2019


"Raphael has made your healing work a success".
"The medics have to listen to you".

That's an interesting message to receive on Sunday evening, as I have felt compelled to bathe rather than shower every day and Raphael is known to work with the water of life that the water carrier healer bestows. I knew something was happening whilst bathing, and putting my healing oils on. Something was changing, the energy was shifting and this evening I sent some healing out to another person with full intention and attention.

The message also reminds yours truly of the days of engaging in "Harmonic Epiphany" and the blessing of water, rivers and oceans, even the water from the shower with pure intentions. Even the water received the words given to give to the water including thank you.

Raphael steps in with help whenever it is required, Raphael with divine mother, healers are never alone in their work and healing mission in life. Sometimes that can involve a healer being an advocate for another person that requires our defence and that has happened numerous times during my life.

When an individual asks a healer to be their advocate, it shows you that person's trust in you and Zion defends when asked to do so. Remember the words, ask and you shall be given. If I was ever asked to defend someone, my response was always yes, of course, I will help you. Defending a person's life was paramount.

Those that cannot defend themselves and their health, have to receive help from those that can. Some times experienced healers have to have the courage to face off with doctors in defence of patients. Sometimes the medics have to be challenged with scientific fact and the experience of healing success, the patience of a saint!

In mystical Judaism, Raphael is the Archangel that presides over the sun, and Sunday, so a great day for healing intentions. He was also known for his involvement in gematria, so no coincidence that my spiritual journey also included a journey with gematria. Recently I shared that the word "Podiatry", in gematria is the same as "Yeshua".

The word "Healer", is the same gematria as "Lillian", my mother's name, my mother pointed me in the right direction during my youth with the healers in London.

It is also the same gematria as "Donald", so a great name for Trump.

Once I began secondary school, mum took me to meet the lovely spiritual healers. History repeated itself, as life would be predetermined, predestined, that I would also introduce my son to healers and complimentary medicine therapists that we were working with on the circuit.

I like this mandala, I spread the paint for a little girl that was named after mum, as she was born at the same time as mum was. The creative Piscean, Pisces creativity for the little girl.

As it is written in the book of Exodus, the deeds of the parents impact on the next three to four generations. How great is that when parents put their children on the highway to holiness.

So Sophia introduced Lillian to healing, and Lillian introduced her daughter to it. That's three generations, and my son is the fourth generation. The continuance of the spiritual legacy and the 21st century was born in wisdom.

One of Raphael's symbols is the fish for obvious reasons, the oil from the oily fish is one of the essential nutrients for the body to receive and Raphael is all about what the body requires to heal.

It was orphan children in Victorian London, that discovered the power of "Cod Liver Oil" and Lillian liked her daily cod liver oil, when I was little she also gave me a spoonful of malt everyday, she was trying to fatten me up as I only weighed 2 stone at age 7. Look how tiny I was at junior school, the smallest girl in the class.

I liked malt as a child, it tasted like toffee, I like making malt biscuits to have with cheese. Yes, home made malt biscuits were on my menus in recent years.

Healing manifests in different ways for different people, there are so many different aspects, disciplines, and levels of consciousness. Each have their journey, each have to integrate and there is always more to embrace in the different phases of your life. I find the different aspects of nutrition fascinating, a very enjoyable journey.

I've been working with geranium again in recent days, it's such a beautiful aromatherapy oil to put on your skin.  It's great for helping the body to assimilate and it relaxes so much, that it sends me off into the most peaceful nights sleep.

I like painting fish and including dolphins in some of the mandalas. This mandala has a lot of Raphael healing and divine mother energy, it resonates with the thymus chakra and "I ACCEPTED". I accepted the divine messages that I received gladly, and humbly.

I accepted who I am for divine purpose and reason, I accepted the freedom to be awesome, when Jesus said that we were moving into awesomeness. I accepted that sometimes we have to lay down our own lives to help others, and at other times, it is important to pick up our own lives again.

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