
Monday 18 March 2019


You might wonder why I haven't posted on this blog about what apparently happened in New Zealand on the 15th of March, 2019. The reason being is that investigations are still on-going and professionals are looking at it from all angles.

One thing I can tell you at this point is that Reuters wrote immediately that they had not been able to authenticate the film footage seen. Also the film footage that is being banned everywhere is only of one mosque and not two. What began as one gunman and one mosque was then reported as two incidents in two different locations.

The numbers of people involved kept on fluctuating depending where you were reading or looking at information. Decreasing and then increasing, there have been far too many inconsistencies in the reporting to take any of the media seriously and that includes Australian and New Zealand media.

Another thing that I can tell you is that a man that is shot in the back, doesn't leave hospital 24 hours later and then drives around in his car giving interviews to the media. A bullet in the back would completely traumatise the body.

There is a global agenda that is clear to see, don't get taken in by it, don't believe the media, don't be gullible, or naive. The Son of Joseph used to say to his daughter, "if you are going to read a newspaper read six different ones and then read between the lines!" He certainly knew what the news media and journalists were like, he spent his whole life working in the industry.

I've also worked in TV and radio production, with film production companies, I've worked with directors and producers, with editors, voice overs and music producers. Hence, when I'm looking at any film or photographs I'm looking through the eyes of a professional, when I'm looking at any video clips. When I'm listening to any sound on a video clip, I am listening, just as I would if I was producing a radio or TV commercial.

Some things in life are real and some are not, what I can tell you is that the Muslim community in Christchurch have said, "It's about how our community sees itself".  That's an Islamic agenda for you summed up in seven words.  Another comment was "God saved us all".

The media aren't telling people that the Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch is a mosque that have radicalised young men from New Zealand, two of those men went to Yemen and died due to US drone strikes. Articles that mention the jihadi's at the mosque have been removed from the internet in the last 48 hours. However, this article has been provided by a journalist in Manchester. A new alternative news website.

Remember this that we will not allow our freedoms to be closed down, nor our freedom to investigate events and speak the truth about those events.

Our people are not afraid of Islam and we do not condone violence against anyone, although truth is demanded, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Our planet can and will only survive in integrity.

Another aspect of this is that the word Christchurch is the same gematria as "Obama is terror". While Obama was in Africa in 2018, he was talking about the "Power of Fear". We also know that on Obama's government website when he was in the White House it was written to "Delete". His strategy to de-platform anyone that he opposes.

I don't think this is a coincidence especially as his American Liberal Democrat chums, Clinton and Podesta have been in New Zealand recently, it's all about the gun laws isn't it?

So what do the forensics say about it? Former U.S. Army Psychological Operations Officer and State Department Counterterrorism Contractor has this to say.

So stay calm, stay patient, the right to dissent is a human right in international law. You don't have to agree with the media, you don't have to agree to their agenda, you don't have to believe the narrative that is being promoted by the globalists.

You don't have to agree with mass immigration, you don't have to agree to cultural genocide of your country. Think for yourselves, listen to your intuition, examine carefully. ponder upon what some call facts.  Real truth in cases such as this is unravelled slowly, it doesn't have an international audience prepared and ready to push the viral button like it has in the case of New Zealand.

They've now arrested a young 18 year old in New Zealand, denied him bail, and he is being threatened with the possibility of a 14 year prison sentence just for posting on Facebook. I listened to my intuition and did not join or post on Facebook. My intuition was correct to stay away from that American owned platform.

Facebook say that they've removed 1.5M postings, and MEMRI say that jihadi's were involved in uploading the film. So then a lot of Muslims have seen that film. The media said that Tarrant was in Pakistan in 2018, and his mother spoke of how highly her son regarded the people of Pakistan e.g. Muslims. There is a lot more information to be discussed on this case, people shall not be silenced, for as Jesus said, "Silence is Compliance".

Keep your minds and your hearts open, don't allow anyone to close you down. Always remember the Micah 4 prophecy. "All the nations can walk in the name of their gods but we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever". That means that you do not have to submit to anyone else's god or religion. For the word 'religion' doesn't exist in biblical Hebrew.

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