
Thursday 7 March 2019


While cooking pancakes Jesus said "Olives". The first time that he spoke of olives was for post-operative procedure. Today he is talking about olives again, and they are essential for skin and collagen.


My olive tree is now in it's third year, it did great outside in the UK this winter. The green leaves stayed on the tree in England, throughout the winter, I did keep it close to my door to protect it. I also protected the roots with wood chips etc. 

I was cooking some pancakes for lunch with lemon juice and golden syrup. This evening I shall have some olives with Greek Feta Cheese. Marinated herring, anchovies and salad. 

Also today, young Christian is sharing about Italy and how the Italian Olive Growers are mobolizing as "Orange Vests".  The Italians have 57% less in their olive crops due to frost. When I buy Olive Oil I usually buy Italian or Greek and I usually buy a couple of months supply at a time.

I like to have lots of olive oil, and remember both Elijah and Jesus said to have plenty of oil in stock. I think I shall make some pizza this week too, the first home made pizza of the year.


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