
Saturday 9 March 2019


It was International Women's Day yesterday and If I had to choose a woman to speak on International Women's Day, it would be the internationally renowned Germaine Greer.


8th March 2019 

In recent years author Germaine Greer has been deplatformed from speaking at universities due to her views on the scientific fact that an operation doesn't change a man into a woman. Germaine Greer has always been outspoken, eloquent, with strong views on reality. In this short clip from the Oxford Union uploaded a couple of years ago, she speaks on the state of marriage and the family in the UK.

Women in sports are also finding themselves in competition with men dressed as women, yet you won't find Meghan Markle defending Germain Greer's freedom of speech. Instead, the American is trying to tell people in our country what feminism means. Meghan says that she doesn't read any comments in response to her, so clearly, she has no interest in what the people of our country and culture have to say.

Germaine Greer presents her view of what has happened to the family in the UK, many of which are women that had their pensions removed from them by the British government. Yet, did Meghan talk about that on international women's day? Of course not, that's political, and due to the changes brought in by the EU that we have campaigned to leave.

The EU has cost women born in the 1950's £50,000 per woman, and Jeremy Hunt was so pleased with his accomplishment when speaking to an American audience. Actions taken by the British government that threw women in the UK into poverty grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunts, the feminine - the women that worked hard to help build the prosperity of our country.

In 2014, I had what I called a "Cinderella Dream" because in the dream I wasn't happy about another woman telling me what to do. Then all these years later we have the American Meghan Markle telling my people what to do! She hasn't managed to keep her staff as she - three have resigned in quick succession.

As far as I am aware, no other country in the EU took such drastic action to impact upon women in those other European countries. Women in the UK have suffered the most for American Meghan's view on equality, yet she has the audacity to think that she knows more and better than us!

A debate between Germaine and Meghan would be entertaining to say the least; because people in the UK, are talking about how Americans try to define who we are. In fact, even the black community in the UK is discussing that issue. Do not let people from other countries define you, your experience and culture because we have different histories and a different culture because of it. Meghan is also on her second marriage, so why would an English woman listen to her?

Germaine Greer made an important point about people taking their wedding vows, who can live up to them? When a husband leaves his young wife, and the wife asks "What about our vows", what did he say to his loving wife? "I meant them on the day".



This is great to share on this blogpost the PENNY MARATHON the charity raises money to rescue animals. The charity was started by a Greek-Australian and her friend, and the marathon is now happening in different countries.

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