
Friday 1 March 2019


A great song for this timeline from Welshly Arms, as the Welsh did great with leave voters in the referendum. The legendary Tommy in our land of legends and heroic men and women that have defended the poor in our historic culture. An American was asking on-line today, why not Jeremy Corbyn?

Brian of London has shared with us today that Tommy's stats were higher than the Labour Party's on Facebook. That is certainly an achievement, although UKIP require more members, and more members to get involved in the local branches prior to the council elections in May.

You can see why the Labour front HnH were determined to take down Tommy, with John Sweeney, at the BBC. John Sweeney is also a Labour supporter and pro-EU. The latest on John Sweeney, is that Tommy has more film on him saying that the BBC won't sack Sweeney because he's got stuff on the BBC.

In the meantime a class action lawsuit is being brought against Facebook in Australia and that could cost FB billions. Project Veritas (USA) has launched videos on Facebook documents that were leaked by a former employee of FB. More great investigative work from James O'Keefe.

Jeremy Corbyn is friends with "terrorists", and Jesus said, "Love your enemies", he didn't say live with them.

Another Tory minister has resigned from the Conservatives, this time the Agriculture minister has resigned over BREXIT. The Labour and Tory's are not what they used to be and many are leaving their ranks.

The latest news from Italy is that Salvini has done great in Abruzzo, and the Sardina elections, great news from southern Italy. Salvini another man with great common sense, and the pure intention of helping his own people who are suffering.

As Jesus said its a "GALATIC MOVEMENT". 


February, 2019.

So what is special about today? It is St David's Day in Wales.

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