
Friday 22 March 2019


News bulletins have announced that President Trump has recognised Israel's right to the Golan Heights and his announcement during Purim was bound to spark controversy. The fact is that there was a Jewish settlement in the area of land known as the Golan Heights and it is written that it was conquered by the Arabs in 636CE. The Ottoman Empire also took it over in the 16th century.

The area is strategic because it is an area where Israel defends itself. This link also shares with you that Jewish people bought land in the Golan in the late 19th century and early 20th century. This link mentions some of the purchases.

The door to an ancient Jewish temple on the Golan Heights.

It is written that in Israel they have a saying, "Gamla will not fall again".

On the first mission to Israel (in 2006) I was on the beach on the Galilee sending healing to the other side of the lake, the Israeli healer that was with yours truly asked me what I could see. I replied, "an elephant", she asked "what does the elephant mean to you?" I replied "it is the overcomer of obstacles".

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