
Friday 22 March 2019

Globalist Jacinda Ardern NZ Expose

Vinny Eastwood in New Zealand has provided a great video on the globalist Jacinda Ardern and her connections.

In this video that is 7.21 minutes in length he exposes the Labour party in New Zealand and their actions. Labour introduced genetically modified crops into New Zealand. although there is a lot more facts shared in the video about the globalists in New Zealand.

You might well ask what was Jacinda Ardern doing working in the UK, and with the British police force? The globalist career politician is also been in a relationship with a broadcaster, that's not surprising either when you see how the media have been co-ordinated to close down freedom of speech in New Zealand over the recent incidents at the mosques.

The media didn't tell you did they that Al Noor mosque was the breeding ground for jihad's that went to Yemen to fight and that is where they died due to an American drone. Those men weren't born into the Islamic religion, they were converts to it. Jacinda Ardern used to be a Mormon, did she convert to Islam?

The latest news about the mosque case in New Zealand is that the woman that was named to charge the so-called gunman has been found to be alive. How embarrassing for the New Zealand PM, their police force and the judge.

In another case a man that said that he had been shot in the back, was out of hospital within 24 hours, driving around and speaking to broadcasters, do you honestly think that is possible? No way, would that man be out of hospital in 24 hours, if what he said happened was true.

The investigations are continuing as after two different films were looked at we know that they were both drama drills to impact on the psyche of the people of New Zealand. Military forensics have also shown that in the first film the bullets disappeared into thin air. It's easy to see if you've seen the film slowed down and you've looked at it frame by frame.

So whatever went down in New Zealand it certainly isn't what the MSM have fed to the people. In one of the Australian TV news bulletins they even went so far as to say there had been an incident at the hospital in Christchurch, then in the same bulletin they changed their minds.

I've also heard that the other news from the MSM is that the Australian that had been living in New Zealand for four months had a psychiatrist that has left the country. Now that's very convenient isn't it? Be careful what you believe about this case, and keep on asking for the evidence. The people of New Zealand should demand a public inquest so that all the facts and evidence is presented to the people.

Did the man in the film travel to as many countries as the MSM are saying, how do you know? Have the journalists seen his passport? Even Reuters said that they couldn't authenticate the film that was removed from every platform. So let's take a look at Jacinda Ardern.

It's no coincidence that the gematria for Christchurch is the same as "Obama is terror". Did you know that the American Podesta has been in New Zealand just days prior to the happening.  


Professor Jordan Peterson's book has been removed from the bookshelves in New Zealand. 

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