
Saturday 9 March 2019

Elijah's Cup

This made me smile, especially as on my first mission to Israel in 2006, I was carrying a copy of New Scientist that spoke of how cuts in childhood mutate genetics. I shared the information with the Jewish Israeli families that opened their doors for me.

Also Moses didn't circumcise anyone after they left Egypt. It was Joshua that brought circumcision back into Judaism. So who is more important in Judaism, Moses or Joshua? I think most Jewish orthodox would say Moses.

Prophecy also said that the person that would come would be like Moses, and Moses didn't circumcise. Correct, I didn't circumcise my son. Moses asked for the blessing of the bush to be put upon a descendent of the family of Joseph, that was more of the criteria. My dad was the youngest Son of Joseph, the mysterious Son of Joseph.


Islam circumcises, so Muhammed wasn't the person that Muslims claim he was. Nor was he from the family of Joseph either. In fact the scripture says that a herald would come at the appointed time and in Hab 2 the OT text is clearly anti-Islam, because it tells those that have destroyed towns and cities to drink and Muhammed told Muslims not to drink.

The text mentions what has happened to our women and children and that we are being overcharged for oil, e.g. petrol. So when was the appointed time do you know? Did the herald share the revelation with you?

So it is PURIM again later on this month, the same time as Tommy Robinson is back in court due to "Political Persecution".  Purim is on the 20th and 21st of March this year, and the Attorney General has given a court date of the 22nd of March, 2019.

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